alberni inlet

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hey did anyone go out today....???i went yesteday but it slowed down abit compared to saturday...
anyways i would love to hear todays report
thx guys
A buddy of mine went out Saturday & Sunday and got 8 the first day and 10 the next - all first thing in the morning on MP16 hootchies and Krippled K spoons.

Sharp hooks and full traps!
it is only either he fished with more then 2 ppl hes lieing or he is fishin illegaly....but im thinkin he has more then 2 ppl
The fishing regulations state that it is 4 fish, per day, per fishing license holder. Do you moonlight for DFO?

Sharp hooks and full traps!
OK now i understand thanks for clearing it up. We are going fishing on monday and we will have 4 people with lisceances. From what i have heared you are allowed 24 fish in your possesion. Is that correct?<img src=icon_smile_big.gif border=0 align=middle>

beachcomber NANOOSE
One word: HOT!!!! <img src=icon_smile_wink.gif border=0 align=middle>
We've limited every single outing for the last two weeks. Hard to miss if you even have an inkling of what you're doing!

yea today went out and limited out by 830 with 12 fish.this is wut is why port alberni is the salmon capital of the world
Noggin is right if you know what your doing then a limit is there,however, today was slow compared to the last few days.Friday we had our limit by 7am( Mactush) today not till 10 .Lots of boats out mostly fishing from china to the fish farm.Underwood was full of fish according to the sounder but we only pulled two out..How the guys did at nahmint I don't know.
It all depends on which school you land on, and their mood I perceive. We did excellent yest am (Saturday). Had a bet with my pa and one of his buddies from the States as to first limits, 24 wobblies hanging on the outcome. Dispite high grading and tossing many back, we clobbered them badly, having hooked 24 before 7:00 am, keeping the eight we were allowed. They had but one when we departed for 3 hook-ups. Difference was we'd found a HOT school in Cous as soon as the gear dropped, and managed to stay right with them for the time we were out. They did pull off the limits, but it took 'till near noon. Man oh man did those cold wobblies ever taste GOOD!!!

Company departed this am, so not out playin'. Will be anon, so letcha know how it goes...

Cheers & Tight Lines...
Hows Nahmint right now,or is it hottest across from China near the outside of the log booms? Nog, where should I fish out of mid July, China creek or Poett Nook, I want to be into Chinooks this year and the Socks a nice bonus!
went out on my uncles boat for a few hours today...4 of us started off across from china creek and brought 4 to the boat and lost about the same amount. Things died down after a while so we headed up to nahmint and WHAM! about an hour later we had 13 in the boat and lost quite a few more. Then it was quittin time so we pulled the gear up. Cleaned the fish in hook bay to avoid the gong show at the tables at china creek and then blasted back over to china, loaded the truck and took off. All in all it was a decent day but it sounded like things were a bit slower than the last few.
If anyone sees an 18 ft aluminum with a 50 on it tell him to phone kelly<img src=icon_smile_big.gif border=0 align=middle> HE couldnt get ahold of me he is at china creek.

beachcomber NANOOSE
Ironoggin coming up to china creek the middle week of july do you think you can save me a few fish to catch LOL. Will be camping with the family but the boat will be moored at china creek. The mens trip is labour day already got the campsite booked. Hope there's the odd chinook hanging around in mid july ?
Talk to ya closer to trip time THANKS M.E. CHEERS....