aerosmith reserver

  • Thread starter Thread starter candyman
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just wondering if anyone has been up there lately and is there any snow up there?
If you're talking about the Arrowsmith reservoir (Arrowsmith Lake), I haven't been up there in 15 years...but there will definitly be a pile of snow for quite a while yet.
i dunno if its the lake im talking about but it has a huge damn and a river coming out of it.whent up there last year on my dirt bike and there was no snow and you could see 10-12 inch fish from the top of the damn[:p]
I think its closed now because they are afraid of contamination. I was up there today and i came to a gate that said arrowsmith resevor access to officials only or something. Anyways the snow wasnt bad only one patch of it about 2 ft deep that was tricky. Saw two small bears but its still a bit early i think for them. We saw no bear sign on the roads. no fishin just explorin
Was a beauty day for exploring, I'll bet. I was driving up the hump heading outta Port yesterday about 2:30, Arrowsmith was looking spectacular as usual on a sunny day.


It was an awsome day didnt take many pics but was in some cool areas.
Company dam is also known as Holland Lake behind Ladysmith.
whent right up there today and there was still snow and dident see any fish jumping
you get there threw northwest bay road but theres a yellow gate befor you start going up to the resovior but i was on my dirtbike so i just whent under it.dident see any elk or bears tho
yeah right after that bridge and you should be abel to get under that gate with a quad