advice on salmon

  • Thread starter Thread starter fisher_dave
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i am tryin to plan a fishing trip through b.c. starting in the tulameen...and working my way down the veddor in chilliwack...i was wonderin if anyone had any pointers or tips on any rivers in between that would be good to hit for some salmon...i am tryin to plan it near the end of july or early august...i was also wonderin if i could get some tips on good salmon fishing spots in kamloops...i am gonna be moving there this summer and would like it very much if i could get a few pointers on the different salmon runs for kamloops...also i was wonderin if i could get some input on different wool colored paterns (not fly patterns) but just regular wool but different colors that have worked for you
There's very little Salmon action that far into the Interior (Kamloops)-rivers are generally closed to angling for Salmon.
There are exceptions but they are few and far between.