A Beginners Progress in Sooke - Englishman

Now if I remember right doesn't garlic oil put the fish in kind of a suspended animation state?
I think thats what they use to "stun" them at the hatcheries so they can handle the fingerlings to clip the fins.
Anyone know for sure?
OMG you guys are killing me with all this over thinking..... holy crap its fishing.
You know what i suggest and have all along hire one of the top guides in sooke and ask for a lesson as this is really painfull to read and watchbite the bullet and and do it.
Danthe wire did many years ago and he has new found faith in fishing maybe go out with him again...

Or he could just follow the Dog house around ;):rolleyes:
LH-When you wipe that stuff on make sure the hook is off the lure or at least pointed the right way-it might hurt-a LOT
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Hey guys,
I don’t mind being the subject of all the jokes. That’s the least service I can perform in view of all the help I have had from people on this forum. After all it IS pretty comical - zero Chinook all last summer (July-September) when I was a complete newb. One decent one this July and nothing at all in August, except the 6lb’der when out with Forum Member 2. Pretty funny really…..
Maybe Wolf is right and perhaps I am over thinking it….. but gotta try everything possible before throwing my hands up and saying ah well, I am just very unlucky!!
Meanwhile, roll on winter, when it does seem possible for me to catch them, albeit the smaller guys. 8-)
I know there are more fish around this year, but since I replaced my motor and stopped having to tinker with the old one, getting grease/oil/gas on me and smears all around my boat from working on it, I am catching more fish. I know there are more fish around this year, but I am sure the petroleum oils had spread around the boat and onto my gear. I have washed my tackle off over the winter, rods, and am now keeping the boat wipes down with Clorox disinfectant wipes. They keep the oils/grease off and keep the bait smells down. I am also using bait more frequently, which is masking my scent. Which I am sure has been a factor in my low success rate fishing for salmon in the Skeena and trout in various lakes, when camping and smoking, and washing less often. I also seem to have more fish landed around me when there are no smokers. One fishing buddy smokes those mini flavoured cigars and he kills the bite with that oily tobacco on his hands after he lights up.
C'mon Roy man

I recall a couple years ago when you were contemplating getting out of the biz. Easy to say that it was a lack of fish rather than skill. We have all had those times when nothing seems to be going our way. You know, when the WD40 comes out to spray the hands down....lol

The differance is that seasoned guys know that it's just a lull. NO need to change things just wait it out. Once in a very blue moon are other guys around you catching when we arent. Most times it's just that there are no fish around. We may know that there are no fish around and we just have to wait it out. Differance here though is this guy has nothing to compare it to. There are lots of fish around. Somethings up.

Lots of solid advice here. ( Ive even done the guide thing when ever I go to new waters. Most good anglers have. It's all just part of the homework. I stay in very close contact with many great guides for the simple matter that I only get out a dozen or so times a year now it seems. Every trip out however is like I was never away. My network always put me onto fish. Thanks guys!!!!! ) Seriously thats a huge point.

Continued luck out there.

That is the problem with fishing in Sooke, people think there is a big secret out there that these salmon have to be specially tricked into biting unlike the rest of the coast. They are Chinook, they got that big for a reason. Good point yesterday we were going for Pinks with the kid. Have the pink squirts down when wham big spring grabs it. No anchovy, had dirty hands from messing with the motor, no black box. They are fish and are not tough to catch, just put in your time. DONT OVER THINK IT! Also you are referencing people posting great days. Think of the hundreds of fishless days from members on here. I'm pretty sure they are not all posting about those.
Hi Guys,
Lots of really, really good posts here with many well considered thoughts and great advice.
Smiley66, yes I do catch other fish. Plenty of pinks this year and a couple of sox (had to release those before the opening 8-) and sox during the big run last year. Even got a couple of winter Chinooks in Feb/Mar time frame. It is the summer Chinooks that appear to be extremely elusive and difficult (but as Yo Mama said they are big and got big for a reason).
So now, I guess I have got a bit obsessed with the summer Chinook, from reading all the good reports on the Sooke thread (especially in the first two weeks of August). I realise there are several guides posting there, but not all of them are, and the consensus seems to be this is a very good year. Maybe I should just stop reading the reports! LOL
But Smiley66 you are right. I realise I am lucky to get out, although not as much as I would like perhaps. 8-) Like you, I did the family thing for years, which is why I only got the boat last year. I guess I am now in too much of a hurry, but in my defence I don’t have a huge number of years left on the planet and even less of the active ones where I can still jump on and off the boat at the dock. LOL
But despite the frustration, which I am perhaps I am letting show too much, I AM having fun and it is great to get out on this beautiful wild coast of ours and enjoy being on the water. There sure is absolutely nothing like this in the U.K. and I do appreciate what I have here beyond reckoning.
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Like I said EMan keep it simple and don't over think it.
Keep it simple.
Be consistent.
Keep a record.
It'll come in time.
Roys right, I was ready to jag the whole deal 6 years ago, I was self taught and had come to a dead end.
He patiently put me on to a diffrent way of doing things, he made me think and work at it, didn't say do this this and this .
I still think he toys with me good naturedly, but I think diffrent now, and usally get a few in the high twenties or low thirties every year now.
I'm having fun again, whats that worth ?
TRUE high but that was for different reasons not fishing.... THERE is/was lots of fish around and for englishman not to get any is beyond me as he should have by now thats what im talking about he has to "LEARN" the right way and not continue into more bad habits thats all im saying many guides including myself notice "little" things thats why we are successful day in and day out... do what ever you want we can only suggest things...

Englishman :- For Chinooks right now try this:-

Gold Betsy flasher
"Krippled" purple haze teaser head
Anchovy in head run about 7ft. behind the flasher in a tight "bullet roll'

Run the flashers ABOUT 30 to 40 FT. behind the clip. Gives the anchovy a better action.

Run this rig up to and including 3 mph.
Englishman :- For Chinooks right now try this:-

Gold Betsy flasher
"Krippled" purple haze teaser head
Anchovy in head run about 7ft. behind the flasher in a tight "bullet roll'

Run the flashers ABOUT 30 to 40 FT. behind the clip. Gives the anchovy a better action.

Run this rig up to and including 3 mph.

Thx Seafever. Hope to give this a try tomorrow, but it appears to have slowed down out there (yep - still reading the posts....must stop doin' that!) LOL
THERE is/was lots of fish around and for englishman not to get any is beyond me as he should have by now thats what im talking about he has to "LEARN" the right way and not continue into more bad habits thats all im saying many guides including myself notice "little" things thats why we are successful day in and day out... do what ever you want we can only suggest things...

I just need to add this, since I have to enter at least 10 characters! :)
Englishman:- I know this works because we caught 2 Chinook on it yesterday off Beechey head.
(I lost one due to the hook not sticking)

There are some weird currents around that neck of the woods.... I would run one side about 10ft higher than the other to avoid foul-ups if you go that route. I don't know how wide your boat is or how many feet tip to tip from extended downrigger arms.

But our downrigger lines were getting pulled at weird angles from time to time by the current/tide as we trolled, even though we were only down about 75ft.
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Maybe tow your boat out to Renfrew for 3 days and fish the beach there. I''ll be damned if you don't catch a big spring there in 3 days. That will take the pressure off you and you can fish more relaxt here at home and I am sure they will come by themselves from then on.