4th Annual - 2015 District of North Vancouver Fire Fishing Derby


Active Member
Just over 1 month to go before derby day!

When: September 25th
Where: Area 28/29

Weigh in at Lions Gate Marina

Cost $75 per person - includes t-shirt, BBQ lunch, and a free boat launch at Lions Gate Marina

Tickets available at Highwater Tackle ( coming soon) or by e-mail at firefishingderby@gmail.com

Last year, we were able to raise over $15 000, with a combined 3 year total of $40 000!

100% of proceeds go directly to the Seymour Salmon Society and Athletics for Kids

Only 150 tickets are available. Don't wait to get your tickets because they sell out fast!

If you are unable to attend, please show your support by purchasing a $20 raffle ticket for over $3000 of prizes including fishing charters, gear and lots of other prizes.

If anyone wishes to become a sponsor, or would like to donate a prize, please email firefishingderby@gmail.com

Tax receipts are available for all donations over $50

See you guys out there!
Just two more weeks to go! Thanks to all the SFBC members who have already purchased your ticket. There are still some left at Highwater Tackle in North Vancouver, but it is on track again to be sold out!

Some of the other confirmed prizes include

- Yamaha 4 stroke motor
- Scotty Downrigger
- Canucks tickets
- Wakeboard

Our tackle sponsor this year is Lighthouse Lures!
Great Derby again this year guys and Thanks for the prize !!!!
The derby had a great group of fisherpersons with a great turn out and major fish action.
Sure hope you have a 2016 because I'm already looking forward to it !!

Team Sir-Vivor II
who won and how big?

any members place?

I had a great deckhand on board and the Sir-Vivor II was lucky enough to win it with a 30 lb spring. We also came in 5th with a 24.5 lber.
It was a fantastic day we had 5 huge springs on.
The North Van Firefighters tournament was fantastic , 160 enterants and 72 salmon brought in, mostly big springs. I think the second and third fish weighted in over 27 lbs and the 4th 25 lbs or so ......
Most of all they were saying the proceeds from the tournament to the Kids charity is expected to exceed last years amount of 16K
Thats Fantastic !!!
Again another THANKS AND JOB WELL DONE shout out to the North Van Firefighters for another great tournament !!!

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What a stellar derby! The weather was fantastic and the fish were more than cooperative, with over 70 fish weighed in including a tyee!

This year we were able to raise $18 000! This is our biggest amount to date.

Thank you to everyone who participated and donated prizes. Check out our facebook page below for lots of pictures from the event!
