2nd Annual SFBC Derby

I think it should be a two day event. That will allow for some socializing the night between. That is if there is a venue where many can camp together. Is there a Marina/Camp/RV Park in Nanaimo that could hold the boats and people overnight? That would be the perfect venue IMO. Getting excited!
Thanks for taking this on, FW.

closest campgrounds...


If it ends up being the May long and your boat has accommodations...May Long weekend is the unofficial start to the pleasure boating season in Nanaimo and there's always a good time to be had over at the Newcastle Island docks. Fireworks show in the harbour Sunday night.

Just a thought, but Miller's Pub is right next to the boat ramp and would probably be interested in hosting (the new Carlos O'Bryan's going in the old Muddy Water's building should also be open by then).

Fun places, but the May Long weekend it may be one of their busiest weekends of the year...might not have a chance of getting a group in there.

LOL :)
Why don't we just give FW a chance to get a grip on this rather then over whelming him with suggestions. Maybe join him and help him get a plan in place via email or private message. Maybe he will get a group of locals together for coffee at Tim's one night and start hammering out a plan..... Just a thought.
Last years derby was organized by a few people over some beers not all online so I agree that would be easier for FW lots of decisions will need to be made and not everyone will be pleased with the outcome of each decision. Getting input from members online is good but when it comes down to it the organizers need to make the calls and stick to the way they want to put on the event.

I wouldn't commute to nanaimo for a derby (IE drive to and from there each day) so convenient moorage and camping in reasonable proximity to the weigh in is on my list of must haves. Not sure what nanaimo has for campgrounds with launches, moorage etc. a short drive is ok but not having moorage would be a pain most derbies I have attended are run out of a campground or a local event so hopefully nanaimo has something to offer there. Another deal breaker for me personally is may long weekend I've got an annual family trip that weekend but I'm just one person so if may long works for most people enjoy and good luck!
Thought I would give everyone the heads up. Just heard from Gary Cooper that the 2013 SFBC Banana Challenge will air on Jan 28th at noon. I'm assuming on Nice Fish. There is a peak clip on Youfish.tv of a prank we pulled on Gary.
Thanks profisher for all the doc's. I'm presently working thru the logistics of it all, but I need a name.
Gimme a name, Gimme a name... racking my brain here... the legendary "Banana Challenge" is taken. I'm a creative mofo but I need a little input from the masses here... don't care how stupid it sounds just put it out there.
If I don't use it exactly, I'm sure I'll get some ideas to work with...
Thanks profisher for all the doc's. I'm presently working thru the logistics of it all, but I need a name.
Gimme a name, Gimme a name... racking my brain here... the legendary "Banana Challenge" is taken. I'm a creative mofo but I need a little input from the masses here... don't care how stupid it sounds just put it out there.
If I don't use it exactly, I'm sure I'll get some ideas to work with...

Nanaimo"s Nutcracker Fishing Derby or The Nanaimo Fishing Fiesta
FW ... PM sent. just noticed folks are putting nameson here.

" SFBC Mid Isle Thrasher Smasher"
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Just thowing this out there as a suggestion for dates.

We have three derbies in Nanaimo already. All very close together.

The North Van Fish and Game Derby May 24-25 out of Silva Bay
The Mainland Bobcat Derby is June 7-8 out of Silva Bay
The Silva Bay Derby June 14-15 out of Silva Bay

How about having it in July or August instead. I know a lot of the larger fish out front of Nanaimo were caught in these two months. It gives the early season of 3 derbies (almost back to back) a break and would give folks another excuse to come out and participate without having derby burn out so to speak.

Just something to think about :).
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Just thowing this out there as a suggestion for dates.

We have three derbies in Nanaimo already. All very close together.

The North Van Fish and Game Derby May 24-25 out of Silva Bay
The Mainland Bobcat Derby is June 7-8 out of Silva Bay
The Silva Bay Derby June 14-15 out of Silva Bay

How about having it in July or August instead. I know a lot of the larger fish out front of Nanaimo were caught in these two months. It gives the early season of 3 derbies (almost back to back) a break and would give folks another excuse to come out and participate without having derby burn out so to speak.

Just something to think about :).

Thanks for the input. Greatly appreciated. These are the exact logistics I’m checking. Thanks John.
Ok …dates:
Unless we "cork" everyone and have the first derby on Victoria Day wknd, May 17 – 19, we’ll miss the window for a bit.
As Sculpin stated, there are 2 more derbies in the area in June so I would say June is a bust.
In July, the Nanaimo B.C. Summer Games are held July 17 thru the 20th, then the Nanaimo Marine Festival (Bath Tub wknd) is July 25th thru the 27th.
This leaves the first 2 wknds in July, each for a 1-day derby or we set it for B.C. Day wknd - August 2nd thru the 4th for a 2 dayer.

Derby Calendar.jpg
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