Sounds like an awesome day! Were you out near Beechy? I’m heading out tomorrow, wondering if I should stick to Pedder, or go west.Got a call from Roy at Blue Wolf Charters and he had a free day to get out fishing today, so he asked me to come along. It is always good to get out and BS and do some fishing. Roy had fished the past two days, and he said it was nuts. We depart Sooke at 830 and back in at 1030.
It was crazy fishing and none stop action. In the two hours we had 35 fish to the boat and out of the 35 fish 3 were under the 45cm and only 2 were wild and the rest were clipped 6 to 10lbs. We only kept fish that were bleeding badly and released the others.
Fish were on bottom and white squirt hoochie and 3-inch spoon both worked. I think you could drag a popsicle stick and it would have worked.
There were two other boats out and they had the same action and a couple of bigger fish and they were not fishing near us.
Fishing is fantastic and if you want to have some fun and catch some nice winter springs give Blue Wolf a call, He has some time on his hands with halibut fishing being closed.
we fished the bluffs to Otter and tried to stay in 100 ft of water.Sounds like an awesome day! Were you out near Beechy? I’m heading out tomorrow, wondering if I should stick to Pedder, or go west.
It was snotty early, laid down annd got sunny before it blew up again. Glad I had to go pick up the kids, or we might have kept fishing. A sunny day of slow fishing beats a day at the office.WATERSPOUT WATCH IN EFFECT, Juan de Fuca Strait
Issued 1:44 PM PDT 13 March 2025
We had a similar experience outside Pedder yesterday, with a couple fish striking after the rod was 2/3s of the way up.Weather forecast by yesterday was well off at Becher. Headed over to Whirl through a big swell off Church and did a couple of passes but after a bit the rain and wind came up so with the swell and tide it got a bit sloppy for sure. Heading west against the tide the kicker wasn't moving us much even flat out so decided to pull up the gear and head back to the bay on the big engine. When we brought up the gear we had a double header but had no idea we had fish on, maybe they hit on the way up?
Not big ones, maybe 5 pounders, but OK. We were using anchovies. these two had 6" herring in the bellies.