We found our two again today, but we had to work for them. On the water by 6:45 AM. started at coho point.
fished flashers & spoons at 190 & 220 on the riggers in 200 - 350'. One 7 pounder early and a couple of unders before we decided to move.
Headed for sandbank & trolled around for a while. Decided to try for coho or pinks, so ran a white with pink stripes hoochie at 75'. No pinks or coho, but two just under Chinook & one fat 13.8 lb Chinook, just as we were deciding to call it a day. First line peeler of the season!
Fished anchovies on the deep line. One undersize & a few hits was all that earned us.
Another good day on the water... especially after the 3' rollers settled down. It was a bumpy ride out in the morning.