Wondering if all the wiley winter-fishing veterans could weigh in on something. In the past, I haven't generally fished past October. Been out a couple of times lately and I could NOT keep the little shakers off my lines. Have fished Albert Head, Constance, Trial, Clover, Brotchie, and just in front of Esq Launch and both times, nothing but tiny guys. Last time I was checking lines every 20 minutes and almost EVERY time there was a tiny one on. Most smaller than my junk which is not overly impressive. I pretty much exclusively use spoons (Peetz, AP, Left Coast). Any tips to avoid snagging the little guys? This problem is fairly annoying and although I take care releasing even the littlest guy, I feel like they are not going to survive if I am trolling them around for 10 or 15 minutes. Bigger spoons? Plugs? Muskie Lures? Any small pieces of advice are much appreciated and thanks for all the great reports, really enjoy all the info - thanks...