Went out this am before the sun was up, I was able to get about 8-10 lber to the boat just after tide change, right out front of MacAulay, unfortunately I tried rushing the fish into the net, the net caught the hook and took the hook out of the fishes mouth, bye bye fish. 58’ anchovy teaser head. Fished all over the place went out to Brotchie, but the tide was really ripping out there and I didn’t see any bait, so I headed back to the breakwater, where I managed to pick up a small chinook on the trailer hook, bloody nose, 45’ which was at about 1:00. Headed back towards Green can and MacAulay, which off to the left of Sax, the whale watching boats showed up, as did the whales they were following. Decided that would be it for fishing today.
1 keeper .
forgot to mention, when I got back to the dock, I got out to tie up my boat, and an otter jumped in the back of the boat. Luckily for me, I had no fish in the boat.....
photo of friends in the boat at sunrise