2015 Halibut Regulations

We will need to find some best practices and find ways to complete support studies to help demonstrate we have a lower release mortality."

Good luck on that (some) people just dont know how to release any fish properly, worse is salmon I see people getting out the book to see if it a legal salmon all the while its smashing on bottom of boat they they finally determine nope no good and toss it back...

Ive sat back and read all of this and its very bothersome to me it seems they think we catch 100 lb plus halibut EVERYTIME we are out??? its really not the case your lucky to get a few on per year some never thats what bothers me why not have a any size fis its been 3 years now we are under TAC . I said 4 ears ago when they were first going to introduce this that morality will be an issue. and nope i was assured they can "handle" any stress and it wont "harm" the fish ...3 years later now we are getting penalized for catching fish..... and now going to fish not BEING harvested...... hmmm kinda a double edged sword isnt it..

Now this is my personal opinion we should have no size restriction as we are only ALLOWED 6 fish per year really how is this going to effect the overall TAC of carry over we are leaving, then anyone can keep one especially people who come here to fish from BC and other to take home there 2 fish. We are lucky to live here as local where we can go out and keep any fish up to size limit everytime we are out ...

And if we dont get our 6 fish in the early times oh we can wait till sept when we can catch 2 fish per day....

I understand how hard the SFAB/BCWF and all other work hard for what we get im i am thankful of there efforts...

its just very frustrating....

Unfortunately there are no meetings in Ottawa Pat. Otherwise I'd be there, and all the meetings are in the September to April region, none in the summer. So pretty impossible for me to teleport to Port Hardy. And I was in class?!?! Also, talked more than once with my sfac chair on the phone. I will be back in BC permanently in May onwards and you can bet your butt I'll be at those meetings.

If we are under by a significant portion again will you call the regulations a success Pat? Yes or no? Over restricting the sector and leaving over 500,000lbs in the water over 3 years a success?!?! I don't know how anyone could justify that as a success. Grasping at straws a bit. While I realize these decisions are not easy, it was pretty easy to see we were over restricted last year, 15% left in the water.

The following is successful......

That we have been given the opportunity to manage ourselves....

The last 3 seasons at the IPHC meeting Canada has been pretty much the only area that has successfully held or went up in tac to all the other area's...reason why because we take a response approach in managing both the commercial and sport sector..... it sure would be a different story did not and we went down 2 millions pounds as suggested bye the blue book values of the IPHC.... As some one that was in the room for the meeting this year, one could clearly see that the IPHC was sure wishing the USA would move to Canada's model for halibut.. again that is only something one see by being in the room.

-U will be able to have input in the paper of hooking mortality and best practices for halibut releasing and survival rates.... although the pounds number sounds high...it work out to being around a 3.7 mort rate.... we can improve that

- something no one has taken in account this year...the pound average will go up again as in the last 3 year...2 maybe 3 pound average. opps that just ate up more tac...and that is if we have a duplicate season as last season.. but so many variable to put into play.....USA dollar do we see more pressure from our neighbour down south coming up?? cheaper gas..do more people go off shore..ect ect there less then a 10 variable in the reg. put forward and bang we are over our quota and shut down.. middle season.???

We are tasked with managing halibut for a full season as directed by the people involved in the process.and all the good folks involved with the halibut take this seriously...... and for those of you that are yelling about transparency and more info being available.. this has been worked on for 2 years..something is in play and if all works out and pass..you could have something to work with.... but at this time I would suggest PM Gamer changer let him know that u are interested in the SFAC process and let him know what area you are from...he can direct u to your area process and you can get the minutes and agenda ect for that area chair... there actually really super people that are more then happy to help u out....

So Dave to answer your question... I can sleep every night knowing that good folks at the SFAB & SFAC are doing there very best to manage the needs of the majority of the people of BC to have a fair and equal access to what halibut are available to ALL of us......
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Good luck on that (some) people just dont know how to release any fish properly, worse is salmon I see people getting out the book to see if it a legal salmon all the while its smashing on bottom of boat they they finally determine nope no good and toss it back...

Ive sat back and read all of this and its very bothersome to me it seems they think we catch 100 lb plus halibut EVERYTIME we are out??? its really not the case your lucky to get a few on per year some never thats what bothers me why not have a any size fis its been 3 years now we are under TAC . I said 4 ears ago when they were first going to introduce this that morality will be an issue. and nope i was assured they can "handle" any stress and it wont "harm" the fish ...3 years later now we are getting penalized for catching fish..... and now going to fish not BEING harvested...... hmmm kinda a double edged sword isnt it..

Now this is my personal opinion we should have no size restriction as we are only ALLOWED 6 fish per year really how is this going to effect the overall TAC of carry over we are leaving, then anyone can keep one especially people who come here to fish from BC and other to take home there 2 fish. We are lucky to live here as local where we can go out and keep any fish up to size limit everytime we are out ...

And if we dont get our 6 fish in the early times oh we can wait till sept when we can catch 2 fish per day....

I understand how hard the SFAB/BCWF and all other work hard for what we get im i am thankful of there efforts...

its just very frustrating....


the problem is the Queen Charlotte area eats up about 60 % of the tack.. if we went that way u suggest we would have a very short season..we then would not be managing the halibut as asked to for.... full season access...
Question as I process all this.Trying to get as much info as I can.

How many Halibut ( units ,not lbs) are caught in QCI prior to say June 1? also prior to May1? and for the sake of being detailed. How many after Sept long.

Thanks: Ray
Correction: Ponds would be fine if showing pre slot and slot to compare. Thanks
Question as I process all this.Trying to get as much info as I can.

How many Halibut ( units ,not lbs) are caught in QCI prior to say June 1? also prior to May1? and for the sake of being detailed. How many after Sept long.

Thanks: Ray

Hi Ray..,,I will defer that to Pat to answer as he has a really good grasp of the data ...:)
Hi Ray..,,I will defer that to Pat to answer as he has a really good grasp of the data ...:)

Ok thanks for that. Look forward to getting that. Going to try to sort through some IPHC docs but usually get lost after a little while. Ha Ha Ha.
Good points Derby, as for pressure from the states it may be up some due to the exchange but then again lots of Americans head to Alaska with the more liberal limits. The size slot has pushed a lot of them away. Also with oil in the tank i think the Alberta money train will slow down halibut pressure. This year hows about you and me a gentlemans bet, a beer at the Crow and Gate, i don't want to take all your beer :) Pat thanks for the reply, maybe after this year if tac is left then we can have the 2 day possession early season as a trend would be definitely shown at that time if we have left over TAC. As for the online license I am totally against it, to many cheaters, maybe online through a retail outlet with a stamp so no photocopy allowed, just a thought. man this post is tooo nice from me getting soft :)
Unfortunately there are no meetings in Ottawa Pat. Otherwise I'd be there, and all the meetings are in the September to April region, none in the summer. So pretty impossible for me to teleport to Port Hardy. And I was in class?!?! Also, talked more than once with my sfac chair on the phone. I will be back in BC permanently in May onwards and you can bet your butt I'll be at those meetings.

If we are under by a significant portion again will you call the regulations a success Pat? Yes or no? Over restricting the sector and leaving over 500,000lbs in the water over 3 years a success?!?! I don't know how anyone could justify that as a success. Grasping at straws a bit. While I realize these decisions are not easy, it was pretty easy to see we were over restricted last year, 15% left in the water.

I look forward to you getting back to the coast so that you can attend some meetings and get involved in the process. I think you have a lot to offer. We did have some good conversations on the phone, and I did listen to your thoughts and ideas. There are some excellent folks that attend our local committee meetings, some share your views, some do not. We respectfully debate the issues and try to come up with a recommendation that best suits the needs of all anglers. In the end the most important value for our local committee is season length and the certainty that people can have the opportunity to go halibut fishing whenever they want. With this in mind, the current mgmt scenario is working in the context of a completely inadequate allocation.

The real fight is with the gov't for not treating the recreational sector fairly and allocating an amount that doesn't force us to make concessions we don't like. If we had a fair allocation than maybe we could keep larger fish and still provide everyone with the opportunity to go fishing whenever they like. Until the allocation changes we will have to continue to ration. My suggestion to everyone on here is to stop the infighting, and start putting the heat on gov't to change the allocation. The allocation is the "disease", the slot limits are the "symptom".

Some folks think we left a whole pile of fish in the water, but I don't see it that way. When we deduct the "release mortality" we get down around 10%. Take off a few more pounds for the areas on the coast that don't get covered by the creel survey and we are probably down around 5%. These areas will be assigned catch when the iRec survey is incorporated. In my mind we really only have about 5% wiggle room, bump up against the cap and we are closed. Is the Juice really worth the squeeze for a couple cm's?
Anyhow, hope everyone gets the chance to go fishing this weekend instead of just talking about it.

"Some folks think we left a whole pile of fish in the water, but I don't see it that way. When we deduct the "release mortality" we get down around 10%. Take off a few more pounds for the areas on the coast that don't get covered by the creel survey and we are probably down around 5%. These areas will be assigned catch when the iRec survey is incorporated. In my mind we really only have about 5% wiggle room, bump up against the cap and we are closed. Is the Juice really worth the squeeze for a couple cm's?"

Not accurate at all. The model extrapolates for all effort and, as it uses the averages that are inflated by the harvest in the charlottes and other areas (not to mention issues of overestimating numbers of boats targeting hali), if anything the model overestimates effort and harvest when expanded to cover coast-wide harvest. Also, in 2014 DFO included fish harvested via purchased commie quota (as evidenced by fish above our max size limit in the rec data presented to the IPHC) in the rec fish survey and data calculation. This inclusion of fish above our size limit also artificially increased # of pieces and the average size harvested and thus the modelled total harvest by our sector from the rec quota.

As such, the 14% of TAC left in the water last year would be a significant under-estimate and we actually would have left something much closer to 20%. This isn't speculation folks, its the data that was collected and the extrapolations that were made.

I also hope that the irony is not lost on everyone that the possession slot, max size and annual limit regs, all put in place to increase season length, have now led to to mortality concerns and risk factors that have reduced the TAC and thus put pressure on the season in the other direction. Unfortunate, but that's the nature of fisheries mgmt. To that end, the SFAB should be commended for planning to address this concern by conducting the necessary surveys and studies. I can appreciate Wolf being pissed about the max size being brought in and folks poo-pooing the mortality issue only to have it rear its ugly head now, as I and others have been similarly upset that the possession slot was brought in as an experiment and has now seemingly become entrenched despite no experiment ever being conducted. Both these issues are what they are, but to take an approach to study the former and collect data to inform future decisions is commendable and something I hope that we all support. I can only hope they eventually do the same to provide real data on the possession slot experiment as well as the annual limit.


Good luck on that (some) people just dont know how to release any fish properly, worse is salmon I see people getting out the book to see if it a legal salmon all the while its smashing on bottom of boat they they finally determine nope no good and toss it back...

Ive sat back and read all of this and its very bothersome to me it seems they think we catch 100 lb plus halibut EVERYTIME we are out??? its really not the case your lucky to get a few on per year some never thats what bothers me why not have a any size fis its been 3 years now we are under TAC . I said 4 ears ago when they were first going to introduce this that morality will be an issue. and nope i was assured they can "handle" any stress and it wont "harm" the fish ...3 years later now we are getting penalized for catching fish..... and now going to fish not BEING harvested...... hmmm kinda a double edged sword isnt it..

Now this is my personal opinion we should have no size restriction as we are only ALLOWED 6 fish per year really how is this going to effect the overall TAC of carry over we are leaving, then anyone can keep one especially people who come here to fish from BC and other to take home there 2 fish. We are lucky to live here as local where we can go out and keep any fish up to size limit everytime we are out ...

And if we dont get our 6 fish in the early times oh we can wait till sept when we can catch 2 fish per day....

I understand how hard the SFAB/BCWF and all other work hard for what we get im i am thankful of there efforts...

its just very frustrating....


Wolf......this is a very polarizing subject every year. I just want to add that there some places up north where they can catch 100 lbers everyday. I knew some guys that fished the outpost and other lodges in the Charlottes that did.
Wolf......this is a very polarizing subject every year. I just want to add that there some places up north where they can catch 100 lbers everyday. I knew some guys that fished the outpost and other lodges in the Charlottes that did.

Exactly! I'm still for keeping the keep regs. If they are going to increase the size of the larger slot limit it should be between Feb 1 - Mar 31, and Oct 1 - Dec 31 to benefit local sports fishers not prime season charters and lodges.
Good points Derby, as for pressure from the states it may be up some due to the exchange but then again lots of Americans head to Alaska with the more liberal limits. The size slot has pushed a lot of them away. Also with oil in the tank i think the Alberta money train will slow down halibut pressure. This year hows about you and me a gentlemans bet, a beer at the Crow and Gate, i don't want to take all your beer :) Pat thanks for the reply, maybe after this year if tac is left then we can have the 2 day possession early season as a trend would be definitely shown at that time if we have left over TAC. As for the online license I am totally against it, to many cheaters, maybe online through a retail outlet with a stamp so no photocopy allowed, just a thought. man this post is tooo nice from me getting soft :)

u going to spot me some points??? ;)
I just want to add that there some places up north where they can catch 100 lbers everyday. I knew some guys that fished the outpost and other lodges in the Charlottes that did.

Well if that is truly the case then its time for area closures then isnt it we have been hammered on at area 19/20 for so many years its about time maybe up there as well if you guys are getting all these 100 plus lbers....EVERYDAY since this is a conservation concern....for the record....
WELL SAID Scott but lets not go down that road.....
I think we should keep it the way it is (sarcastic):p. I guide approximately 25 trips, with two people aboard each trip, so 50 people. Each one of those 50 people goes through an average of 20 Halibut searching for their best 2 keepers. That's 18 fish I release times 50, is 900 fish. How many of those 900 fish survive? If I was on drugs, and had no idea what I was doing, then ya... I would keep it the way it is. How about keep the 6 a year, but forget that dumb filleting requirement and ask anglers to keep mangled fish or anything under 100lb. And 2 a day, 2 possession. Why give reason to burn fuel, aren't we suppose to try and curb our carbon foot print?