2014 Ucluelet Fishing Reports

Great quality butts!! You say the salmon's been spotty in close and I've heard from various sources that hali at South Bank and Lighthouse has been a lot better so far this year. Are those beauty halls from in close as well or did you run to Long Beach or way out to Big Bank for them?

Will be heading to Ukee next Saturday for a week and confident at some point during the week there'll be numbers of salmon around as the waves/schools move by - which is typical for June in my experience. Maybe just my bad luck but have found it scratchy for #'s and quality of hali/lings last couple of years and my crew would love to get into some better white meat this year. Bigger boat/better power so running to Long Beach, Starfish, NW Corner, etc not an issue but nicer if Adipose, Inside South and/or Lighthouse are producing quality halibut on the troll. Any info would be appreciated.


I heard a few boats did okay Chinook wise inside south to the adipose I'm generally an outside Lighthouse guy lately tried the great bear tack there were salmon just small ones it seemed. Trolling Hali's usually equals small chickens spreader bar and big bait plus patience usually equals big hali's. Word is Rats Nose has been fairly consistent haven't given it ago myself. The runs should start flooding through any day in big numbers. Salmon had small squid in them.
When is the best time to fish ucluelet?

August 3rd 6:08-7:19am. I'll be there then, as well as early July, July 16-20 (Tofino), and 3rd week of August. Any time is good some place near Ukee; Chinooks can thin out late in August, but coho will be thick.
Thanks Ucluelet Charters! Outside Lighthouse isn't a bad run at all, closer than Long Beach or Starfish anyway, and a hell of a lot less than Rat's Nose and Whales Tail out on Big Bank. Hopefully the wind is a bit kinder than it has been the last couple of June's so we can spend more time drifting bait and jigging for better quality bottom fish as I agree, on the troll pretty much means chickens.

Less than a week and I'll be "home", can't wait!!!

Fished around Crow for few hours had 2. Coho hit. Went to south bank had 2 good Halibut on. Lost 50 lber in net & the other snapped buddy's line . Landed 19 lb spring . Little slow but some good size fish when they hit. Forgot harpoon .
We went up to Ukee for a charter Monday. The fishing was absolute crap. We had to scrap going offshore for Halibut because of the weather so we fished the inside. I had no idea it could be so slow, 8 hrs and a total of 4 hits , biggest was 5 #. We didn't see any fish at the dock and the guide said biggest he heard of for the day was 10. First charter for my teenage son's and a lot wasted time and money, that being said, at least it was sunny and the scenery is beautiful up there. Just a far cry the hot fishing I was told about, 3 of us fell asleep. My brother in law also went on a different charter with a different outfit on Sun and I heard it was dead slow for them too. Apparently there were some fish offshore though.
It has been my experience when fishing Ukee that inshore waters can run hot or cold. I have always been able to find fish off shore whether it be South Bank, Lighthouse Bank, or one of the further close in banks. If the fishing on the close in banks is not good there is always something out at the Big Bank however if the weather is not cooperating there is not much you can do. Sorry your trip was not up to your expectations however don't give up. A trip a little later in the year may live up to your expectations. Here's wishing you all the best.
We went up to Ukee for a charter Monday. The fishing was absolute crap. We had to scrap going offshore for Halibut because of the weather so we fished the inside. I had no idea it could be so slow, 8 hrs and a total of 4 hits , biggest was 5 #. We didn't see any fish at the dock and the guide said biggest he heard of for the day was 10. First charter for my teenage son's and a lot wasted time and money, that being said, at least it was sunny and the scenery is beautiful up there. Just a far cry the hot fishing I was told about, 3 of us fell asleep. My brother in law also went on a different charter with a different outfit on Sun and I heard it was dead slow for them too. Apparently there were some fish offshore though.

Sorry to hear of your bad luck but the weather always is the great equalizer. The salmon fishing was a lot better in our area until the weekend as i'm sure it was in Ukee. I'm confident you would have got your halibut if you had gotten offshore. The salmon are on the move this time of year as they still have a long swim to the Columbia so her today, gone tomorrow.

Don't give up on the most consistent fishery on the coast in my opinion.

We ended up lucking into our limit of Halibut on the troll close to shore in that big westerly and a few salmon on Monday.
We went up to Ukee for a charter Monday. The fishing was absolute crap. We had to scrap going offshore for Halibut because of the weather so we fished the inside. I had no idea it could be so slow, 8 hrs and a total of 4 hits , biggest was 5 #. We didn't see any fish at the dock and the guide said biggest he heard of for the day was 10. First charter for my teenage son's and a lot wasted time and money, that being said, at least it was sunny and the scenery is beautiful up there. Just a far cry the hot fishing I was told about, 3 of us fell asleep. My brother in law also went on a different charter with a different outfit on Sun and I heard it was dead slow for them too. Apparently there were some fish offshore though.

That sucks and well it's fishing. If you were after white meat you should have gone with Fishtofino: Tofino Ospray
Shawn's an awesome guy to fish with and produces. We went with him the past 2 years and would have this year if I weren't getting married and money is tight
Just out of curiosity what boats did you go out on? The fishing has been a little slower than the usual this June but limits are being met there's just a little travel involved plus the decent size Hali's are in close right now so there's no need to pound your way out on rough days just may limit the access to plentiful salmon grounds and force one to work the sound which some areas are decent you just have to move around a bit to find them. Most of the guides in Ukee aren't local they may have a flashy big boat but it doesn't mean your going to catch lots of fish your experience doesn't represent Ucluelet and the fabulous fishing location it is that's why I ask who's boat. When the fishing is slow only the local guides are going to shine when the fishing is hot every guide pretty much shines.
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Yes, super sorry to hear that. Fishing inside has been on and off. Generally we can get all our fish, it is just the size that is in question. Most we have been taking are in 10 - 12 pound range. Lots of small guys. Got couple of nice one's today with largest being 26 pounds. Like I said, hit and miss. Even off shore was goofy. Wednesday lots of good quality fish, yet today mostly smalls from the reports I got today. This time of year it can be either red hot or spotty.
26lber was a good catch searun, we covered some ground yesterday and ended up with 7 springs, 4 coho, and 4 nice sized hali's no monster springs but decent size for June threw back quite a few small ones. Today was a white meat trip 4 good size hali's 8 lings in the 12 - 25lb range, 2 big gray cod ( Pacific Cod ) and a dozen cod with a few Black cod in the cod mix. Tomorrow is a salmon run only so I will report back in the next day or so how tomorrows trip goes should be good, 4 guys love those trips get to plug the fish hold with chrome.
May long was good for us out at the big bank. This past weekend the same. Pretty much non stop action both trips. You can see firelight playing a fish behind Bart holding his fish.

Long run but worth it IMO. Chicken's and teeners. That's what you expect this time of year anyways. Putting food in the freezer :).

I've got the bug out of the system now and will start fishing inside and just outside for larger model's in the coming weeks.

Hopefully the water temps don't do crazy things on us this year. Nice to see all the reports coming in. Good luck out there folks.

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Hopefully things keep improving . I'm heading there next week for 4 days and hoping to catch some fish. I look forward to reading some reports over the weekend
i am pulling my boat over to Ukee on the 21st. short fish Sat. and Sunday then back home to Vancouver returning for the long weekend to fish for 4 days. Here's hoping the water temp does not go too high this year and that it is not necessary to always go out to the big bank for fish.
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With the forecast for this wknd in ukee...how bad are those water conditions?

The Vancouver Island South marine weather forecast says NW winds 10-20knots this weekend but the weather is calling for rain and clouds. If the rain is right expect no NW winds and if the wind is right expect no rain. Pressure is rising so I would expect the wind and no rain. No matter what you always have protected inshore waters too if the swell is too big for you. Have a great trip!