2014 SFBC Derby Wrap Up

I am so glad it's over for the most part just got some paper work left to do and a ton of thank you's.

I was so happy to see all the participants leave with so many new toys to play with.

As a result of this derby LRES is going to have over $11,300 to use towards one of their many ongoing projects.

Thank you to everyone that participated, donated their time, resources, prizes and helped out in many different ways to make it the success that it turned out being.
What a great get together. It was really nice meeting so many nice people and putting faces to names. The organizers, sponsors, and everyone who helped deserve a big shout out for sure. Great people,fantastic prizes, and good food. Well done. Derby and Bigbruce were animals on that grill. Very impressive guys and thank you for lunch. It will be interesting to see how much money was raised for LRES. It was nice meeting these folks as we'll. Jeff was a natural on the mic (possible career change buddy?).

I took quite a few photos of the event and will post them up tomorrow morning.

Thanks again :).
I am so glad it's over for the most part just got some paper work left to do and a ton of thank you's.

I was so happy to see all the participants leave with so many new toys to play with.

As a result of this derby LRES is going to have over $11,300 to use towards one of their many ongoing projects.

Thank you to everyone that participated, donated their time, resources, prizes and helped out in many different ways to make it the success that it turned out being.

That is freakin awesome Owen, wish I lived there full time so could help more. It's people like you that define a community.
The whole idea for this derby was innovative and I think it worked really well. The wrap-up today was great, too. Thanks-o-plenty and well done Owen and everyone else involved.
What a great get together. It was really nice meeting so many nice people and putting faces to names. The organizers, sponsors, and everyone who helped deserve a big shout out for sure. Great people,fantastic prizes, and good food. Well done. Derby and Bigbruce were animals on that grill. Very impressive guys and thank you for lunch. It will be interesting to see how much money was raised for LRES. It was nice meeting these folks as we'll. Jeff was a natural on the mic (possible career change buddy?).

I took quite a few photos of the event and will post them up tomorrow morning.

Thanks again :).

DJ Jeff rocked..:)
Good to meet some folks. And thanks to the organizers. No small task there for sure.

My favourite part was the little girl winning the bike. That was awesome!!!
My sad part was not winning that wicked fish cleaning station. ;)

I have to agree with you on the first two points 100% the look and smile on that little girls face was just awsome. She was so excited and happy to get that bike. She was probably just as excited as I was to win that totally awsome fish cleaning table. :)

Thanks to all that made this whole event happen, from the participants to the suppliers and people that donated items for this fundraiser, to the forum for supporting and helping promote this, to all of the voluteers and last but certainly not least to Owen and Laura for everything that they put into making this event happen and go smoothly.
Ton of fun and thank you to all the organizers.
Glad to meet you folks and put a face to those names.
Can't wait to try out all those goodies I received at the event.
Great Day, as already mentioned, it is very nice to put faces to the names I see all the time on the forum. My grand-daughter had her first crash on her new bike, but don't worry the bike was ok.. i also am going to rig up that new Peetz reel and see if there are any lingering springs left out there. Good people, food, good times------Til next year
Wendy ,Mr.Gus (Golden Retriever) and I would like to thank Owen and Laura plus all the other people who helped put on such a great event yesterday!! Nice to meet so many members and finally put a face to the names. I didn't win the fish table! but it did give me some ideas!! Great work guys. Hope there is something like it next year
Wish i could have made it. Work, life and bad planning is what I'll blame. Was happy to make my contribution to Little River Enhancement and will again join this derby next year if it happens. Cheers.
Thanks to all who put in time and effort and those who donated great prizes! I see by response on here I missed putting a name to some faces but neat to meet the ones I did. :-)

I was sad about the table too Spring Fever. I kept seeing it get passed over people not realizing it was up for grabs I think. That guy who got was lucky Brian said something! A goodie bag instead of the table woulda been a burn lol.

Great job on the bbq killer burgers. I hear the reason there was tuna passed out because it missed the bbq. Sorry to those who missed it but grateful for that! Just wondering how I should cook it today. Thank you Sculpin! Cant wait to try out my new Nog Needle fish spoon. Great gear bags by PnT. Who did the art/posters? Cheers
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Sadly we got to this party late. It sounds like we missed out on some great draws and happy winners!

Luckily we made it at the wire for the raffle, what a great selection of prizes and gift bags. Really impressed at the turnout and great to see so many good folks make the trip. With little time I could only rub elbows with a few fellow members, those I did, a pleasure meeting you. Great to see past friends as well (Halibut firelight? :))

Hopefully this torch is carried on. A great season ender! Well done Owen, Laura and the famous Jessica.
Congrats to the recipient of these efforts, LRES.
Sounds like everyone had a blast. I have an inkling of what goes into pulling off an event of this nature and my hat is off to all who helped make it happen.

Betcha Little River is thrilled.
Wrap up photos

Bowen Park proved to be a great place for the gathering.

It was a really good turn out. Very cool to meet members from all over the place.

There was enough food for an army of fisher people!

Big Bruce and Derby were amazing on the grill. Thanks again guys. Nicely done :cool:.

Absolutely tons of great prizes. I paid 25 bucks to enter, didn't even enter a fish, and I walked away with about 70 bucks in tackle lol. Awesome contribution from the fishing community.

The trophy's were super cool looking.

Nice genny from K4U.

Nice rod rack from Cabela's.

Table load full from various donors.

Boxes and boxes of grab bags full of great tackle.

This fish cleaning station was pretty kick azz I must say :rolleyes::p.

This really nice kids bike (that I believe was donated by Canadian Tire) was hard for Owen to let go.

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There were spoons from Andrew P...

...and there were spoons from Iron Needle.

Heck there was even a cool cake that CCB brought with him.

The grill was a blazin' with great burgers and smokies with bacon, cheese, and onions.

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Jeffy was a natural on the mic and even better DJ. Great job buddy.

Everyone getting ready for the big draws.

Some lucky winners.

Again, it was great weather, great people, and a great time was had by all. It would be really nice to see this carry on next year.

In closing..........Jeffs like "ah come on....where did everyone go?....there's still cake left!".
