Well-Known Member
The Government of Canada would like to hear your input on listing 6 Pacific salmon designatable units (DUs) as special concern under the Species at Risk Act, and any comments on the benefits and costs this listing would have on you, your industry, your community and/or the ecosystem.
- Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawtscha): DU 3 (Lower Fraser, Stream, Spring [Birkenhead] population; hereafter Birkenhead Chinook)
- Chinook salmon: DU 21 (East Coast Vancouver Island, Ocean, Fall population; hereafter DU 21 Chinook)
- Sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka): DU 196 (Alouette-ES [original] population; hereafter Alouette sockeye)
- Sockeye salmon: DU 197 (Coquitlam-ES [original] population; hereafter Coquitlam sockeye)
- Sockeye salmon: DU 13 (Nahatlatch-ES population; hereafter Nahatlatch sockeye)
- Sockeye salmon: DU 7 (Francois-Fraser-S population; hereafter Francois-Fraser sockeye)