Winter Harbour

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Any one out there fished Winter Harbour area? I am going up for a week at the end of July on a freind's boat and would love any advice anyone has on fishing the area. A friend decided we need to explore the north end of the island this year. I have been fishing Barkley sound area for 15 years and wish I was still fishing there this season. Since we are taking his boat this time I will defer to him. Thanks Joe

joseph battaglino
Come on Canadians have opions on eveything I know I am married to one. I does anyone know any guide up there that I could take out to learn a little about the salmon fishing? Thanks Joe

joseph battaglino
Careful Now. <img src=icon_smile_big.gif border=0 align=middle> Welcome to the forum there are a number of members that fish that fantastic area and I am sure you will see some advice posted soon.

Cheers ME
Winter harbor... Big water, big waves, big wind and big fish. The Outpost is the name of the outfit that runs the store, campground and has 3 or 4 very nice boats and good guides. I go there every june and have a blast
Thanks ME. The fact that 72 people looked at it and you are the first to make a comment had me worried. I have not been on the site in quite a while but everyone has always been very helpful over the years.

joseph battaglino
Thanks Mikevv. I will contact someone at the store. It is difficult trying to fish a new area without locat knowledge. Have you ever drive the road out to winter harbor? I am thinking of bringing a 25 motor home out there since all the rooms are booked.

Thanks Joe

joseph battaglino
Thanks Scooter.

Mike VV. How is the road to winterharbor and do you trailor a boat down it. Thanks Joe

joseph battaglino
The name of your boat is familar. I have fished of years out of Uclulett and Bamfield. I usually stay at Island West in Uclulett. The last few years we have been doing most of our fishing out of Neah Bay and it has been great. Of course we still run accross and fish swiftsure which also has been great the last 3 years. I hope you do well in June. Do you trailer your boat up to Winter Habour or do you motor up? We have had trouble finding someplace to stay at Winter Harbour for the two weeks we can go. I thought the motorhome would be good but I don't was to tear up my freinds motorhome.

For the fishing are you running out to the banks offshore? If so how many miles are you running out. The boat we go on is pretty sea worthy its a 22 foot Hewes Craft if can usually take more than we can.

Thanks for the information Joe

joseph battaglino
Thanks for the link. I took me a while my Italian is a litte rusty. I do love to fish and the winters up hear are too long. Take care Joe

joseph battaglino
I have been fishing in winter harbour for the last 4 summers and every year is different. However, most of the big ones are taken on the outside. Straight out to sea until you hit a dept of bettween 350 feet to 420 feet. That is around 7 to 9 miles out. the depth you find big springs varies as much as between 60 feet deep to 240 feet deep. Water temperature is a important factor. Inside the bay itself can be pretty good at time mostly for coho and small spring. Last summer was disapointing in the bay and you had to go outside to catch anything. So when you get there, go to the outpost and try to gather info. Also, check out this web site for more info about winter harbor.

Remember that your luck will be dependant on the weather... It can get really nasty really quick out there.
heres some links<img src=icon_smile_shy.gif border=0 align=middle>
Be careful! there is no help between you and japan if you are over 1 mile or so offshore... it is and will always be some of the biggest wind and wave territory I've ever experienced. My friend got a 260 lber there last summer.<img src=icon_smile_shock.gif border=0 align=middle>

On The Beach

Thanks for the information we usually fish out of Neah Bay most of the Season at Swiftsure and will do so this year too. It gets a little nasty out there too. But I have heard stories about the north end of the Islands weather. We are going to be up there the first week of August and will spend 8 day so I hope we can get out at least a couple of days. What sort of set ups are you using bait, spoons, plugs when you are fishing out? Thanks for the information on Salmon University my friend and I got to talk to both the guys on there at the Seattle Boat show and they seem real enthusiastic about the area.

What time of the year do you go up?


Thanks for the links. I'm not looking forward to the wind and waves but it is alway an adventure. I know listening to the marine radio it always seemed that there where gail force wind on the north end of the Island almost everyday. How far out do you have to go for Hali's? We had a great year fishing Hali at Canadian Swiftsure last year I think we limited out every time. But no 260lbs I think the bigest was about 90lb. We also lost one to a sea lion that was about 100lb. I fought the fish for about 30 minutes and then the sea lion for about 45 minutes trying to get fish back. I just ended up with the head it made for a great picture and the cheeks where pretty good. Like I said alway and adventure.

Thanks agian

joseph battaglino
all halibut over 75# are females full of eggs, take a picture and say bye bye. Not that good eating either. Just wondering is there no halibut in U.S. waters or is it just the beer.
Reel Easy,
The problem is the season is about 10 days long and it is in May which as you know can be nasty. I plan to purchase a place up on Vancouver Island when I retire in seven years. I just have to convince my wife who is Canadian to let me. The beer down here is pretty poor. I do like the Canadian fishing, beer, and the women.
