winter harbor report

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Hi all, any word on Winter Harbor yet; any reports???
Mike VV
Hey Mike,

Took a run out to Winter Harbour last Saturday afternoon and stayed for two nights. Got blown off the flats (5 miles out)a few times but was able to hook up a couple of times, fella with me knows the area and said they felt like chickens (30lbers or so). Didn't land any!?? My first run at halibut and I guess I was making some mistakes[V].

Marked some salmon but it was real spotty, maybe bluebacks 'cause they were up high in the Cliff Point area. Some springs down low, but didn't want what we were offering. Seemed like lots of yellow eyes, 5 of them in the boat, at least...three of us fishing for two days, so no sceaming hell.

Only two other boats out with us and nobody were in the halibut or salmon...or that's what we heard anyway. Local fella said the halibut that had been caught earlier were in on the humps near the light, don't have my chart or I'd tell you the names.

General concensus was that we were a little early and this here skipper a little green just yet[:I]. Ahh, we'll call 'er a scouting expedition with a bonus of some rockfish.

Sure is pretty country, can't wait to get back out there again. Sorry for the poor report.

Scooter where did you stay.We were there last year at this coming weekend.Sounds like you did as well as we did when we were there.We did get 2 springs about #15.Like you say it is beautiful.

We are hearding up there at end of July for a week. I heard from someone that they go down to 300 feet for springers? If so I better bring some extra downrigger line. Do you fish the area often? I was wondering what kind of rigs do you use on the Springers and Hali?

Thanks Joe
We stayed at Dick's Last Resort's cabins. First set of cabins on the left on the point as you enter Winter Harbour. Dick's place is behind the government wharf when you're checking in. Dick seems like a great guy, and the cabins were comfortable (could sleep six fellas, 4 single beds in two rooms and a futon in the main room), wood stove, running water, cooking gear, fridge and freezer, bath and linen. Dock right out front. Sure beats tenting!

I don't know about the springs being that deep, I don't remember my buddy mentioning it. That doesn't mean it's not so, but he was under the impression that the springs were in 100-200 feet of water and he was looking for them in the bottom 1/3. Although he did mention that springs were caught commonly when fishing for halibut on the flats 5-6 miles off the mouth of Quatsino...and that's 300 feet.

It was my first trip, but I was told that spoons (commercial coppers) were the ticket for springs and nothing but spreader bar and hali rigs with bait for the flatties. Take lots of jigging gear as the humps are unforgiving when you're after snapper and lings. I got a lot of information off the link below, and my buddy agreed with what was written there. Keep in mind we damned near got skunked and it was my first trip...get other info too!!:)

I'm heading up for 3 nights in mid June and from what I hear that's supposed to be prime time for bottom fish and starting to get hot for the springs. Off shore of course where we will be heading weather permitting. As I have a trip booked to go back in mid August for the Springs on the inside waters. I've got some personal tips from some seasoned Quatsino vetrans and they said the big springs last year were fairly deep 120-200ft and they had to use the largest green and glo apex hot spot to get through the coho. One group went with 4 boats over 4 days and landed 20 springs over 40lbs last August long weekend. As for Hali's and other bottom fish I've heard top knot reef and grants bay are the best areas. Just what I've heard now it's almost time to find out!

Thanks for the information I hope there are some fish in at the end of July. I have heard the weather can be real iffy anytime of the year. But that is what you get with the West Side. I'll be sure to let you know how I do. One of the items someone talked about where mudrakkers my buddy picked up a couple they just look like the old pipe jigs we usto make but with the hook on the top. Thanks again Joe
Thanks for the replies, for the last 6 years we have went out for 4 day trips from the first of june to the end of aug. with GREAT fishing all of the trips. 330 feet of water with the riggers set at 280 and 210. flashers and hoochies for springs. Check the link posted above for tips on down riggers in very deep water. Doug from Pacifica Outdoor Charters is a great guide and Dick from Dicks resort is a great host. We have fished with 4 different guides at winters and are trying Wayne Ridley this year at the end of June.
SWC give us a report when you get back in mid june. My brother in law is fishing with the KKK on the 5 to 9 of june. will report when he gets back
Thanks Mike VV
Mike VV, you have any spots that you prefer in mid June. I'm planning to have to go 5 miles off shore but would love to have some Gps #'s if you have them for some hali areas, as well as some good inside spots. Being a Winter harbour virgin I'm sure I'll just have to ask around and follow some boats to find the good spots. Kinda like 12 years ago at Nootka didn't know Camel Rock from Maquinna point, now it's like the back of my hand and seem to be always giving tips and advice on where to fish and with what as it's like taking candy from a baby up there now! Anyways any info would be a great help. What's your oppinion on the gravel road in as we are trailering in a tent trailer for accomodations and running the boat in from Coal Harbour.

Thanks SWC
Don't have any gps points but 5 to 7 miles out in front of the light house in 300ft+ for springs and sink 2lb balls to the bottom for chickens. some people fish south to Brooks pin. and around Saulander Island. be very wary of the wind. the road in has got better over the years but we still stop at the forestry station in Holburg and let the girl at the front desk know we are giong to Winter Harbour and she radios to the logging trucks to let them know that we are on the road. In my opinion its to early for around the light and cliff point
Just got off the phone with a couple buddies who just spent three days in Winter harbour and they had a great trip! Mixed bag of weatehr dictacting where they could fish some days but they limited (3 guys) on Hali's 22lbs-79lbs, limits on yellow eye, and lings as well. All good news but really it was to be expected they big shock was that they caught all 6 of their springs in a total of 7 hours of salmon fishing. Smallest at 26lbs and the largest at 37lbs the majority over 26lbs. They also lost a couple they figure where much bigger both salmon and halibut! Great news for a guy heading up there for 4 days on June 20th! Let the good weather and big fish be waiting for me! All fish were taken either 5 miles off shore, at Grants bay or Top Not reef. Motsly all on artificial gear! Any other reports?

Talked with my brother the other day in the Charlottes where he guides for West Coast Resorts and they are killing the big springs lot's of over forties and some over 50 and one over 60 already, double and triple headers this early for them is great news for WCVI. Apparently these ealry big fish are Marble River fish which is in the mouth of Quatsino Sound. So look out Winter Harbour here we come in 17 days and counting!

Would not go as far to say that the size lg. being taken in the charlottes are destined for the Marble.. Marble fish are a rare breed as there is more than a couple of unique runs that enter the river at different points in the season..
Don't get me wrong due to the fact that almost every run stops by the gwaii for breakfest.
I received a call from the Seeker in Kano inlet today and the fishing is top notch on the west side.. Lots of big girls too..cheers-dirty
My brother in law starts at the KKK fish camp in 2 days. When he phoned there yesterday the fishing report was great- 30lbers but also lots of wind and very large waves
MikeVV Any reports out of winter harbour yet from your brother? When are you heading up?
10 days and counting for me.....
well seeing as i have my 3 days off for june i'll give a winter harbour area report... working at quatsino lodge has been pretty awesome so far this year (first year guiding), the fishin is great and the people as well, and conveniantly the weather as well.

generally we've been fishing offshore for the past month targeting chinook on the troll, usually with a needlefish pattern, although jumbo herring and pilchards have been in a lot of stomachs over the last week too. hali fishing has been great, often they are almost a nuisance when trolling. some good size as well, personally on my boat we've got a 72 and one around 150 or so we released (looked around 6 feet long at least, hour and a half fight. average size on the chinook has been 22 pounds, with our best so far at 37. some of the fights have been unreal, including an 18 pounder that was just wild, it went into the backing on my MR-2 and took 40 minutes to land, talk about a crazy fish. unfortunately the commericals really did a number on the lings so we've had to get off the beaten track to find fast action in that regard. sometime in the next couple weeks the squid should move in triggering even faster fishing, although the other day we had a double header before i could get the kicker started so things are certainly pretty hot. hoping for some reaaaally big marble river babies to come thru in july/august. anyway if you see a 23.5 foot aquasport (white/teal) thats probly me, say hi. hey myescape is our new boat close to being done? i hear its supposed to be a beauty.
SWC, Brother in law just returned from winter harbor, 4 men got 14 springs from 32 to 16 lbs and lots of halibut, 3 at 100 and the rest in the 40 to 70 lb range
Water was very very rough with not a whole lot of boats going out on some days.
coho not there yet they only got 1
Good luck and let us know how you do
Mike VV and Eagle Eyes! Thanks for the reports and updates! When are you heading up Mike? Eagle eyes will keep my eyes open for your boat, we'll be up there the 20th-23rd in a 20'9" Grady White named "Knuckle Buster" if you see us come on over for a BS! What spots have been the best that you two? Have you heard what lures or bait? Getting really antsy to get up there and hit it hard! HOw's the water been for you guys Eagle Eyes? Any problems getting a couple miles out? Anything showing up yet in Grant Bay ot Lippy point? How bout Cliffe Point? See you guys up there hopefully!

we've been blown in probly 5-6 times since we started in may, so it hasnt been that bad, although obviously some guests have a bit of a time with being seasick. lately the wind has been comin up in the afternoon so if your done by noonish your fine. theres been lotsa coho around cliffe but not a ton of chinooks yet. personally ive been running needlefish or herring coloured hootchies so far depending on the area ive been fishing (dark or green). however our 37 from 2 weeks ago was on a cut plug. seen a few pilchards lately some im getting excited to break out the tomics in a while. grants and lippy hasnt had a lot for bait so far, but obviously that will change with squid/firecrackers coming in fairly soon. leavin to head up first thing tomorrow. hopefully see some of you guys up there.