winter feeder's

scott craven

Well-Known Member
I heard a report last week from one boat doing quite well fishing
purple haze squirts at 150-160' for winter springs.
Last year becher bay,whirl bay was really good, but i thought
those fish didn't show till mid November. Anybody recall?
im headed out around noon , if wind sticks around I may fish beecher bay for feeders , its been a month ir so , I have to fish


Got out late, around 3:00 , fished almost up to the head . It was lumpy , I took out a greenhorn , he got sick ... Not a hit , tonnnnnnnnneeeees of bait . Sounder showed tones and I saw some cool bright silver balls at the surface right off Alderidge , fished those for a bit , chased them around . In the end squat ..

Crab traps full of rockers , kept 7 good ones , had pork steaks and crab for dinner ... I love the ocean
