Wind Speed


Crew Member
Here is another flat lander question.. What is a dangerous wind speed that you would hear on a radio and know its time to head off the water,,, I hear about 10 knots,, 15 knots and so on but it really don't mean a whole lot to me... What would be used as a basic guide line... Talking about the average small vessel say 18 - 24 footer...
20KTS is going to get rough, 25-30 KTS is time to get out of there. Of course, that is a general rule, when the wind blows against the direction of the tide, you get some pretty big standing waves, some weather reports take this into consideration. Race Rocks on a hard ebb with a westerly is deadly as an example.
Sooke would be my main concern,, considering its where I head with the family,,, What would be the guide lines in that area... I realise this is a general question but I recently rigged up my boat with a VHS radio mainly to listen to weather forcasts but it does'nt do much good if you don't understand what is being said...
quote:Keep in mind that you have to get through the channel at Wiffin Spit which can have a REALLY powerful current going through it, which can stack up some nice waves.
Boy you ain't kidding,, I have seen some nasty stuff when you come around that corner... I know there is better stuff out side a bit.. But being a bit of a flat lander I have elected a couple times to tuck and run back in.. 2 years ago we were in a 24" Harbour Craft.. We came around the corner and she was bad I mean bad,, 8 - 10 footers,,, and some local boys in 16 footers were passing us and going out ???? I guess you got to know how to do er,, we tucked and ran back in,, but at least we stayed alive to fish another day....
Good Info
Recently moved my boat to the Pedder Bay area and been trying to work out the tides etc. for this area. Been following the crowd, and fishing towards the Beechy Head Area, so your info on the direction of the winds and the direction of the ebb and flow makes a lot of sense.

There are sure lot's of whirl,s and eddies in this area.

Thx a lot guys some very good info,,, this clears up a lot for me.....