Caddy of a wheelhouse alright!
Can't say as I like their checker set-up though - too awkward IMHO.
That, and I only wear a glove on my left hand and ONLY for the August openings (Big Springs). Not required for the smaller fish they were taking methinks.
Overall a good video that well shows the in's and out's of
What We Do out there...
... Would have liked to have seen the kid with some type of floatation devise.
None of us wear them except when we encounter some serious weather, and of course we try to avoid being there then. They simply get in the way, and it is damn near impossible to launch yourself out of the cockpit into the chuck without directed effort to do so.
A commercial trolled fish is a quality fish. Too bad our Troll fleet has been close to being eliminated where as the Alaskans have cornered the market on Troll caught Kings
It is true that DFO has
Hammered the troll fleet damn near into oblivion, while tending to favor the bag fleets (seine and gillnet). Between extremely narrow openings, miniscule seasonal quotas, low-ball buy-back programs and more, our independent fleet has shrunk considerably. If it wasn't for the American's proactive salmon management, and the terms of the Pacific Salmon Agreement that basically forces DFO's hands into increasing our potential harvest when the US does, we would literally be dead in the water. Sad when you consider we are the ONLY truly selective commercial entity out there...
Damn near walked away after last year's dismal showing. Glad I didn't now! This was the best season we have seen in over a decade, and I was FAR too Busy to even consider guiding as a consequence. Hopefully things will continue to improve for those of us who have held on by the tips of our fingers & toes...