Why can't I sell Cannon Balls

Fish Assassin

Crew Member
Got a pile of 15 pound balls with molded fins and a bunch of 1 pounders. Got them all over the internet for $25 and only sold 2. Even offered them for $20 a piece for bulk orders and still only 2 sold.



Even though many are going to pick this apart so be it. If any one is interested PM or email me please.
As with any good business it takes time to develop a steady, loyal clientel. With more and more guys pouring lead now, it was inevitable that lead sales would slow down. Most guys have stocked up on balls with the price going up. Even my sales have slowed. I only sold about three thousand pounds last year.

Your product looks good and I think your pricing is fair - but unfortunately you are too far away for me to benefit from it. I would think that if you continue to adverstise, you will eventually get sales.

Good luck!
Drop U'r price Fish butt & watch those lead balls fly off the racks

Supply unsold iz business loss 4 next year!!! that will = bankruptcy
Either that B nicer

here we go,lol, everyone is all mad now because the HAWKS wont win the cup this season....holmes*

So Cam what you are saying is that they needed balls? Hahaha

I dont think so... As the Cannots don't need lead to sink to the bottom. LOL

Call me some time would ya.
Peahead your PM box is full.

Thanks everyone for your interest. Only have 4 balls left. Not to worry I plan on making more.Plus I will be helping Lorne Parker out with the lead melting party June 2nd.
I think this batch was almost gone after I got mine .....