Who leaves there softtop up while hitting the hiway?

Just wondered about other peoples experiences while traveling with their tops up or do you always take them down and put on a traveling cover?
I know my old 1981 boat topper would not last to long on the hiway but I think the fabric materials and stitching would stand up better these days.

Thoughts and experiences anyone?
I do it until about 80km/h. The lady that made my top said as a rule don't drive with it any faster than you would boat.
I have never taken my top down for travel. You will see me doing 120 up the inland island highway with it up. That being said about 12 years coming of the ferry I was behind a guy with his top up. The whole thing frame and all came flying off causing a fair amount of damage to my car.
Good question and I even thought of posting it myself in the past. I never take mine down. 110km no problem on the Island Highway. Some wind resistance, but, other than that no issue.
I leave mine up, as it's a pain to take down...that being said a few years ago I lost a side window and last year a flapping zipper wore a hole right through my brand new digital VHF antenna. Now that I think about it though, both those incidences happened with me dying in the back seat and someone else at the wheel likely driving much faster than I would have. I typically don't go over 90.
My friend picked up a boat last year down island as he was racing to make the ferry home that night probably going like 140 knowing him. The top broke lose and the poles broke and landing right in his seat leaving a huge rip. So not only did he need to fix his top he also needed to fix his seat and he hadn't even used the boat yet.
I have never had a problem going 100 and under.
I leave mine up...........120k but I do have a cover over the top & boat and it's behind a camper. I've towed it without the camper and still no problem, maybe I'm just lucky.
I leave mine up for shorter distances and driving down to the launch, but for longer distances and higher speeds I just fold it back and put on the travel cover. The dealership where I bought the boat said the manufacture recommends taking it down for all travel but its a pain, I know, because I have to fold it back to get it in my garage. On dusty roads, obviously fold it back and use the cover.
Always took mine down on my Campion 542. It was a Bimini with a front shield that stood quite high. The warning label suggested not to run at speeds over 50 kms. Had a really good travel cover that protected the interior of the boat and kept stuff from blowing out.
Always take mine down on highway trips. A pain but only takes 10 minutes and put on the travel cover. Always leave up if just running the 10KM to the launch and not over 50K an hour.

2 reasons. Like to keep the ensaglass clean of bugs and road film and a new complete set is about $3000 so worth the 10 minutes to me

I usually roll mine up, that being said it still blew off once and ended up on the island highway. I could have taken another 30 seconds to tie it down better but I didn't.
For highway speeds 80 kms. and over,I always put the top down and bungie cord it down as well.It only takes a few minutes to do,and then I don't have to worry about the canvas tearing or a pole breaking.
I'm also culprit of driving too fast with the canvas and those plastic sewed-in windows. I'm always looking in the mirror watching for that dreaded canvas rig to fly off.Makes me feel like a good boy going only 90kph..LOL
told by the guy who built my new top that if I didn't want to see him again, to soon, to keep the top down on highway---to hard on the framework--when she goes she's gone
Fortunately for me I live down the street from the boat launch so its never an issue up or down, but I would take it down on a long haul if only to save fuel from the drag imho
Mine stays on all the time.
It all depends on top design some top don't rise much off the windows so there is little resistance the top on my trophy 2002 was a really ***** on the highway and I was always watching it. On my stabicraft I added some more bars to make it more sturdy. Also stainless bars and fitting are much tougher than aluminum and nylon fittings. But taking the top down is a really pain in the butt!!
It all depends on top design some top don't rise much off the windows so there is little resistance the top on my trophy 2002 was a really ***** on the highway and I was always watching it. On my stabicraft I added some more bars to make it more sturdy. Also stainless bars and fitting are much tougher than aluminum and nylon fittings. But taking the top down is a really pain in the butt!!

Yes, I beefed mine up too by adding canvas and additional snaps to stabilize the stainless bars. I too look in the rear view mirror too often wondering what is happening back there.