who got fish ?

scott craven

Well-Known Member
Constance was flat calm this afternoon, and the fishing
was kind of flat too.
released 3 undersize, lost a good pin-popper
and bonked one about 4-1/2 lbs.
lots of lulls though, no real bite came on.

how did the rest of you do ?

Got some nice crab today off of Bare Pt and had one hit deep off Kuper
Isl cliffs about 135 ft using all green hootchie, nothing after that.
Weather was nice though quite calm and good tides for launching this morning , pretty low right now though, ramp was piled with crap which 3 of us cleared out this a.m.

Just got back form Sooke,was fishing the bluffs. Got two smallies,threw them back,both caught at 220 ft. Nice flat day,no wind.

C'ya on the water.
Keeped one 6.5lb just off wolf isl Beacherbay 120 on bottom.say two more boated same size .Lots of wood in the water.


Story and pics to follow latter. Awesome day in Cortenay/Campbell River 4 chinooks biggest 14 then 12 and two under ten one was a white spring plus limited out on big prawns. Thanks to CS a fantastic skipper and what a day on his incredible boat the Filthy *****.

Cheers Kev

Edited by - MyEscape on 02/06/2006 07:44:06

Any info on depth and lure type that you used yesterday would be greatly appreciated.

I'm headed out this afternoon on the other side of the Strait from you to get some fresh seafood.

Sun and no wind. What a concept :)

Fish Wish