When do the pinks come back?


Active Member
I prepare myself for mockery and shame for asking this but I gotta.

Last year I enjoyed fishing for the pinks at first light at the Campbell River pier. It was great, even days when I worked would go down with my trout rod and (sometimes) limit out before 7am. I totally didn't make any notes about when it happened so i don't know when to return. I was going to go ask down at tyee marine, but then I figured the collective knowledge of the forum trumps them.

I brace for the mockery about purposely fishing for (stinky) pinks.
August the main push of fish will come through. No shame in fishing pinks. I have as much fun taking them off the beach as i do fishing for springs in a boat alot of the time.
One of my best fishing days was at the estuary of the Oyster River with my #6wt fly rod. I lived in Alberta at the time and the largest fish I'd ever caught on it was a 4Lb Bow River rainbow. Used a pretty basic pink bucktail fly and hooked into 2 pinks about 6 & 8 lbs and a small coho while a crowd from the trailer park watched. What a blast! Feels like you've got a monster with a small light setup like that!
The river is open july 15th for retention. I enjoy the pink fishery my self and its a great way to feed my dog on the cheap.
Pinks are already showing on many local upper island beaches. This year will be gigantic on both sides of the island.

Ding Dong!