Whats too close?

Jacob's Ladder

Active Member
I am curious if others are uncomfortable with boats passing close at high rates of speed. For example this morning i was the first boat out on constance bank this am and just got my gear down. I can see the second boat approaching miles away. The boat continues to head straight for us and eventually crossing our bow doing 20-25 knots at maybe 100 feet. His wake hit my boat within seconds of passing. Now my reaction was to put both hands out and shrug my shoulders to say why? I mean really. wtf???? the whole ocean is open around us. visibility was 100%. why would you risk a collision? why cause me to spill my coffee with your wake. i just don't get it.

I know of a discussion last year on otter point and cutting through the pack on the inside. ok ok. but this is open ocean and i was the only boat. no corners to cut.

now i hate tailgaters just as much. am i over reacting here? thoughts? opinions?

Guys an butt hat and doesn't know much about boating.
Never head straight for a boat within a half mile, even if you know him or her.
Even a couple degrees off of a collision course should do.
And take an extra 10 seconds and give a guy a hundred yards when throwing a wake.
Boating courtesy 101.
There are idiot drivers in everything whether cars, bikes or boats. Guess we should let him serve as a bad example and make sure we never pull the same stunt.
It's unfortunate the "asshats" are everywhere. I hit the water to get some peace from them, but you need to go the road less travelled/less fishy to avoid them. Assholes and assholes in big boats also have a tendency to prefer to cut in front of me instead of trurning a few degrees and cutting behind to minimize their wake as I'm leaving it.
I personally like the ones that pass on the inside tact of possession or otter etc weaving in and out ... I dont understand this mentality had one guy last week(and hes a charter guy) in the fog pass me FULL bore at otter I was in 60 ft of water IT REALLY isnt hard to go to the outside of everyone and go into the "spot" it basically comes down to one thing its people who have NO respect for fellow fisherman.

aAd why is it so that these ASSHATS pass you wake you etc then stop in front of you to set up???? WTF is wrong with some??? hey heres an idea start at the back "TROLL" into the fishing grounds because by the time everything is all set up your not impeding others and now your in with the flow I KNOW its a concept that's almost like rocket science but trust me it works..
Good luck Wolf
The fact that it so foggy and they pass you close like that is even more dangerous, People really need to slow down in the fog, other boats , drifting wood, buoy's there is lots of stuff to hit out there. colliding with another boat could turn a good trip bad in a hurry..ASSHATS...there everywhere.