what the heck was that?


Well-Known Member
Wen I was out on the weekend my buddy got a fish that I have no idea what it was. It had a big bucket head like a Ling and similar coloring, only lighter and with a little more yellow I think.It Looked a lot like a ling except it's body was way shorter and fatter. It also had a bunch of fins coming off its belly. Kinda almost reminded me of a bullhead only not as dark,and it was big .I am guessing 10-15 lbs maybe more.we let it go of course and never thought to take a pic first.

Any ideas?

Cheers: Ray

No place I would rather be (FISH ON)
Most likely a Cabezon. There are other closely related critters down there but as others have said, most likely Cabezon.

Wasn't fortunate ta geta glimps at ur " Hump " Damn"..[:o)]

,,but im gonna guess roughly where ya were , must a bin a serious Barkley Monument in ur pic..;),,, 2 years ago i was fishing the surf area(s) and i came accross a hole that must of had hundreds of these ugly Bullhead like lookin creatures that fought like trains , yes they were cabazon ,coulda swore a few of them were over 20,,, never did keep any , back then i was told they were not all that great on the table , now iv'e heard dfferent a few times ,

btw , nice fish JC



After looking at some pics i say yes to it being a cabazon.Thanks for that folks.

They are only ugly if your friends catch ya eating them.:D


No place I would rather be (FISH ON)
Thanks for the promotion Duff.
Anything is better than Dogfish man. Of course we caught way more Hali and ling than anything else,So you could have picked one of those.[8D]

Owen Email sent

No place I would rather be (FISH ON)
It may have looked like that yes. Hard to be surre as i thought it had more underside fins.

No place I would rather be (FISH ON)
Thats funny duff.
Truth be told I have only caught abou 6 Hali in my life.Pretty sure I topped that number with the dogs I got this year alone.

No place I would rather be (FISH ON)

caught one of these this summer and they sure are ugly. we had it in beer batter and it was tasty. from what i have read, the sport and commercial guys fish for these in washington and oregon. not many that many up here.