what that??


Well-Known Member
I have couples of the lures. ? I never see those lure in my life. I think they are look like the apex lure but I do not know what that?

ross swimmer tails came out after apexes you can still get them at pnt they were the hot number for coho and prob still work great
They work...fish 'em fast....3.2 -3.7 knots....if that's your game.
These things creep me out looking at them! LOL do they swim or roll?


They jiggle and jiggle/roll if you go faster... What does a mirror do? ;)
I had the pleasure of working with Ernie Ross (the fellow who developed these) for several years on board his troller the Royal Quest.
Ernie is quite the thinker and tinkerer with all things fishing, and these swimmer-tails were but one result of that.
They caught boat-loads of springs and coho over the years, and at times would out-fish even the best of the competition.
I still carry a range of these in my kit when wandering offshore.


Ernie Ross & Gypsy John in front of Ernie's Royal Quest. Photo taken in Zabellos - last commercial run for that rig before Ernie retired and sold her to a US fisherman.

Thank you Nog and very nice sharing info and a great picture of the Royal Quest. Its very cool.

Hey KK check your pm'd box :)
I checked with the ross lures.. some of them do not have label on it " Ross swimmer tail"
I am curious which one is old version the lures?

Thanks Discus for posting all the weird old gear.i found some scotty devil butterfly's i had and fed one to a nice ho the other day!
Tell us how them creepy lures work for ya