The original CJ Special - a versitile lure.


Well-Known Member
CJ Special Lures have an action unlike any other lure on the market. With an isometric, perfectly balanced design and a specific, bend and twist in the tail, the lures roll in one direction for 8 to 12 inches, then actually reverse and roll in the opposite direction. This action mimics bait fish unlike any other lure on the market and has proven extremely effective for all predatory fish tested; from salmon, halibut and cod on the West Coast to steelhead and trout on inland waterways and even swordfish, tuna and mahi mahi in Mexico and Hawaii.

The lures are available in both aluminum alloy and brass in a range of sizes, shapes and weights that have all been extensively guide-tested. They have shown equally effective for trolling, casting and jigging.

Avaiable at the PEETZ workshop, visit me today, to see the world's largest selection of CJ Special Lures - 2740 Rock Bay Ave., Victoria BC. Ph 250-383-5342



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I am a phone call or an email away. I am pleased to note that almost any product that PEETZ owns the tooling for will continue to be made. A few licensed products will no longer be available through PEETZ as I have opted out in order to fully concentrate on PEETZ brands only. There will be an expansion in the product range adding in items from tooling that I previously owned prior to obtaining PEETZ.

To keep everything in perspective, I am a one man show, doing all jobs, taking the company from the stage of being primarily just tools and equipment into one that has products and services to offer.

Almost all stock from the previous owners realm was liquidated to a few other stores long before the opportunity was shared with me. I am making progress and I do have some products available.

Sylvester Secret
Kiko lures
Perfect Roller
Henry Smith Special
Lead products
A handful of reels

Lots more to add and larger inventory coming.
I am a phone call or an email away. I am pleased to note that almost any product that PEETZ owns the tooling for will continue to be made. A few licensed products will no longer be available through PEETZ as I have opted out in order to fully concentrate on PEETZ brands only. There will be an expansion in the product range adding in items from tooling that I previously owned prior to obtaining PEETZ.

To keep everything in perspective, I am a one man show, doing all jobs, taking the company from the stage of being primarily just tools and equipment into one that has products and services to offer.

Almost all stock from the previous owners realm was liquidated to a few other stores long before the opportunity was shared with me. I am making progress and I do have some products available.

Sylvester Secret
Kiko lures
Perfect Roller
Henry Smith Special
Lead products
A handful of reels

Lots more to add and larger inventory coming.

Thanks for the reply. Yours is the type of business that I like to support and I'm sure that I'll be a customer in the future.

I like to see pictures, or preferably see in person, fishing products before purchase. The Hookum spoon was pretty neat when I found it at Highwater Tackle several years ago. It was noticeably thicker and heavier than they typical Gibbs trolling spoons just a few pegs away.
Thanks for the reply. Yours is the type of business that I like to support and I'm sure that I'll be a customer in the future.

I like to see pictures, or preferably see in person, fishing products before purchase. The Hookum spoon was pretty neat when I found it at Highwater Tackle several years ago. It was noticeably thicker and heavier than they typical Gibbs trolling spoons just a few pegs away.
I can easily email photos if you'd like to see what is available right now.

Or txt, you can private mesage me if you like too.
Thanks for the reply. Yours is the type of business that I like to support and I'm sure that I'll be a customer in the future.

I like to see pictures, or preferably see in person, fishing products before purchase. The Hookum spoon was pretty neat when I found it at Highwater Tackle several years ago. It was noticeably thicker and heavier than they typical Gibbs trolling spoons just a few pegs away.
#buyVImadelures. Yes Hookums and CJ are quality spoons that will last a lifetime if you tie good knots. Nothing against offshore but the 5-6 vancouver island lure builders are the best.
It really sounds like time / money well spent to hire an internet sales person to fill and ship web orders. Emailing pictures is hardly a scalable tactic. I get you are super busy creating and making product but without that sales outlet and relying on mostly one on one type contact will take up so much of your valuable time!
It really sounds like time / money well spent to hire an internet sales person to fill and ship web orders. Emailing pictures is hardly a scalable tactic. I get you are super busy creating and making product but without that sales outlet and relying on mostly one on one type contact will take up so much of your valuable time!
It is a temporary suggestion(solution). I fully 100% recognize that emails etc are not optimal. The site is complete, just not entirely open to the public yet. The rest of it is not necessary for me to discuss in this regard. I fully understand the entire industry and its entire inner workings. I have worked in every aspect and capacity over my lifetime. Trust me when I say, I am a one man show and for good reason, it is temporary and when it is right it will change.

Thank you for your thoughts and ideas. I appreciate it. Just know that there more to everything than what everyone thinks is the current situation that I am building upon. I am here at this point in time only because I am supposed to be.
It is a temporary suggestion(solution). I fully 100% recognize that emails etc are not optimal. The site is complete, just not entirely open to the public yet. The rest of it is not necessary for me to discuss in this regard. I fully understand the entire industry and its entire inner workings. I have worked in every aspect and capacity over my lifetime. Trust me when I say, I am a one man show and for good reason, it is temporary and when it is right it will change.

Thank you for your thoughts and ideas. I appreciate it. Just know that there more to everything than what everyone thinks is the current situation that I am building upon. I am here at this point in time only because I am supposed to
Yeah man I have been following your love for fishing and tackle for years and your passion level and knowledge is off the charts! Was super excited as I’m sure many were to hear you acquired Peetz and have no doubt you will put top notch, innovative and quality gear out there.
I get the timing thing and know this isn’t a whim thing for you so good luck with the plan! I’m sure it’s well thought out. But also sales, sales, sales!
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Yeah man I have been following your love for fishing and tackle for years and your passion level and knowledge is off the charts! Was super excited as I’m sure many were to hear you acquired Peetz and have no doubt you will put top notch, innovative and quality gear out there.
I get the timing thing and know this isn’t a whim thing for you so good luck with the plan! I’m sure it’s well thought out. But also sales, sales, sales!
100% most people still think PEETZ closed for good until they heard from a friend that it was sold. They are ecstatic that I decided to leap in with not just two feet, but my whole body, soul, passion, energy, power and faith. I am not afraid, but I do have hurdles to leap, walls to bounce off of and many, many mountains to climb before things will be remotely close to what I envision and keep stepping towards on a daily basis.

The most enormous challenge is letting people know that I am here, ready and willing to help, and that PEETZ is making a steady comeback.

Helping, giving, consistency, never ever quiting, along with lots of transactions will be the only things that help save PEETZ and its amazing potential.

Choose to be part of it or not...I won't quit. I do know that the people that don't support my efforts now, will in the future, be talking about how we met once PEETZ becomes successful again.

I use the CJ Special regularly and it produces really well for salmon! It works amazingly well for lake trout too. I’ve sent CJ Specials to my brother in law in Northern Manitoba and he loves them.
Sent to me this morning, CJ SPECIAL Lures have been very consistent for Tyler Atcheson.


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