Hello, going to be selling my 2015 180 sportsman. Any ideas on value?
- 251 hours on hull
-90 Hp Yamaha lease return 800 hours serviced regularly.
-2006 8hp Honda unknown hours runs great
- arch with 6 rocket launchers 2 net holders,fly rod holder and tow ball
- Lowrance HDS5 sounder
- uniden vhf radio
-2 Scotty 1106 downriggers
- hewes seats with air ride suspension
- custom snap travel cover
- canvas in good shape
-brand new top of the line trailer tires
- stored in shed
Some minor scratches on decals and paint no dents. Some stitching needs fixed on canvas top (minor repair). 1 week on ocean every year full saltaway treatment after otherwise freshwater. Thanks
- 251 hours on hull
-90 Hp Yamaha lease return 800 hours serviced regularly.
-2006 8hp Honda unknown hours runs great
- arch with 6 rocket launchers 2 net holders,fly rod holder and tow ball
- Lowrance HDS5 sounder
- uniden vhf radio
-2 Scotty 1106 downriggers
- hewes seats with air ride suspension
- custom snap travel cover
- canvas in good shape
-brand new top of the line trailer tires
- stored in shed
Some minor scratches on decals and paint no dents. Some stitching needs fixed on canvas top (minor repair). 1 week on ocean every year full saltaway treatment after otherwise freshwater. Thanks