What?? Halibut Quota System Comment


Well-Known Member
I don't know but it seems like Painter's Lodge doesn't know what's going on or anything about the current system, or at least their manager lol Seems like she thinks the quota system is a proposal...it's already implemented! :P

City's stand on halibut to wait until after public meeting tonight


The city will join the local chorus voicing concerns about the possible effects of enforcing a halibut quota system.

Those concerns will be the subject of a public meeting tonight at the Maritime Heritage Centre starting at 7 p.m.

The Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) regulates halibut fishing through a quota system where 88 per cent of the total catch is allocated to the commercial fishery.

The remaining 12 per cent is for the sport fishery. But since DFO allowed the sport fishery to exceed the 12 per cent limit last year, there are fears the percentage will be reduced this year to make up for the overage.

Earlier this month, Painter's Lodge Operations Manager Christine Fleming urged the mayor and council to weigh in.

"The proposed quota fishery for halibut, if allowed to pass, will lead to quota fisheries involving all salmon species and shellfish," she said.

"The quota fishery opening for sockeye last summer was devastating to Painter's Lodge."

At last week's city council meeting, Coun. Roy Grant called for a letter to Fisheries Minister Gail Shea asking that the quota be reconsidered.

"The DFO proposed quota fishery for halibut is a serious situation, especially for Campbell River and all the coastal communities that would be negatively affected by this quota," he said.

Mayor Charlie Cornfield said the quota isn't a proposal.

"The quota is already in place and has been for a number of years," he said. "It's just that the quota was achieved earlier than the year end."

Cornfield suggested the city hold off on the letter until after tonight's public meeting.

"It might be a good idea to see if there's any other new information arising that could make our letter more effective," he said.