What do you mean Islanders don't float!!!

yo mama

Active Member
So me and the boyz are doing the lazy tack from Beachy back home when all of a sudden the cable on the rigger snaps sending it to a vertical position in a flash nearly corkin' Mama in the mellon and sending my Islander MR2 and shimano rock slingshoting (had it in the boom rod holder) throught the air. 110 ft of cable, 10lb ball, downrigger clip, teaser, flasher, MR2, and rod gone in under 2 seconds. Needless to say the day ended on that note.
Mama I know how you feel. Barrowed my daugher's cell phone to make a call and the line was busy. While I was making the call drove though some weed and put the phone in my sweat top pocket as not to get it wet. Reclipped to the downrigger yeap,you got it dropped her phone over the side.As if it doesn't cost us enough to go fishing and things like these happen.Guess I'm going shopping for a new cellphone tommorrow.