What am I missing???

Just to spice it up a bit two years ago, my wife bought some custom hoochie ear rings at the antiques place in Qualicum! Lol What a lovely bride! It's even better when you start talking about her hoochie ear rings around others! "Honey, you should wear your hoochie ear rings tonight!" Lol

Dying of laughter! If I bought my wife hoochie earings, she'd come at me with the gaff. Good on yours for knowing how to attract a fisherman!
When you guys are using the double inserts and possibly triple as some have suggested, are you playing around with your leader lengths at all. I would think it might alter the action with the added wight of the extra hootchie, needlefish or squirts inside one another. Or maybe going up a bit in leader poundage to compensate for the added weight?

When you guys are using the double inserts and possibly triple as some have suggested, are you playing around with your leader lengths at all. I would think it might alter the action with the added wight of the extra hootchie, needlefish or squirts inside one another. Or maybe going up a bit in leader poundage to compensate for the added weight?

All the above. I will also sometimes use fluorocarbon leaders in 60lb test for triple hoochies. Fluoro leader is stiffer than mono, so it works well on heavy multi hoochie rigs. I would move up to at least 50 lb test mono for multi rigs.
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Just use crimped down rigger cable for a leader...awesome transmission of action and works awesome. I did that for a joke one day and gave it to a friend along with a popular flasher...it caught the only 3 fish that day they told me that they lost it when they snagged bottom. :) there's no sport in 40 pound and up test anyways. Sport ? What sport... this is about meat!!!
Just use crimped down rigger cable for a leader...awesome transmission of action and works awesome. I did that for a joke one day and gave it to a friend along with a popular flasher...it caught the only 3 fish that day they told me that they lost it when they snagged bottom. :) there's no sport in 40 pound and up test anyways. Sport ? What sport... this is about meat!!!
Pretty funny FM. If it was seriously all about the meat I'd be dragging chovies with treble hooks. With hoochies and a single barbless all it take is slipping the gaff under the hook boatside while the fish is still in the water and its back swimming untouched by human hands. One of the reasons I love hoochies, is they're very easy on the fish when it comes to releasing when you rig with singles. Heavy leaders also mean you don't have to finesse the fish and exhaust it if your releasing it. I can't remember the last time I had to revive a fish. Some may think it unsporting, but I think it's much easier on the resource. To each their own.
Wow all these years of fishing and I didnt know fishing hootchies was so complicated.
We haven't even gotten into rigging with a spin n glow, actionizer head, or spinner, yet Bones, so hold onto your hat. Sometimes I also rig larger hoochies with a Scotty bait biter, and then there's still the argument whether to rig the leader through the center or out the side of the hoochie. So, this could still go on for a while yet. Go make some popcorn and grab a bevy, it could sill be a while till all the permutations are covered.

Oh ya, forgot about spoochies too.
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Gum puckies:

Ordered some today from Seattle Marine, seamar.com

Octopus glow bag of 25 for US $7.32

Cuttle glow bag of 15 for $8.64

Octopus clear bag of 25 for $7.32

plus shipping and tax

Go to the commercial trolling section
Those prices are a whole lot better for gum puckies than the earlier link. Thanks for posting Mako. Unfortunately, we get dinged heavy on exchange and shipping from the States to Canada these days. PNT fortunately has gum puckies for us up here in the great white north.

For guys that want some other less known patterns commonly used for Chums, and Sockeye here are some:

MB181 pink and black (Yamashita - Golden Bait)
MB182 pale pink & blue (Yamashita - Golden Bait)
M85 pale pink & blue (North Pacific)
FG138R purple glow (Yamashita - Golden Bait)
J300 bright pink/blue (North Pacific)
J300LH glow head bright pink & blue (North Pacific)
MBG183GH pink with glow head/glow stripes (Yamashita - Golden Bait)

I did really well on the chums this fall using a MBG183GH (pink with glow head/glow stripes) in a green Oki Crazy 8 actionizer head 4-5 feet behind an 8 inch flasher.

I also did really well using spin n glows with a mini around 30 inches behind a full size flasher for Chums in Campbell river.

Some of the spin n glows you might want to try in front of your chum hoochies:

blue spin n glo in front of mini hoochie (size 8)
pink uv spin n glo in front of mini hoochie (size 8)
purple spin n glo in front of mini hoochie (size 8)
green spin & glow in front of mini hoochie (size 8)
orange spin and glow in front of mini hoochie (size 8)
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I like mooching more than dragging hardware behind the downriggers, but hardware produces fish.

I have been thinking of using a spin glow ahead of a mooched herring. Might try using them ahead of hoochies also.

The Seattle Marine site has photos of many hoochies with the numbers. A good place to visit just to see the colors.

I also bought the last two 6 inch Tomic tubbies in 602 that they had. 158 and 602 have always been good to me!

Years ago we made an annual visit to Victoria and Troll Tac to stock up on gear. The Coho ferry dock is 4 miles from where I sit, we would ride over on the ferry and spend the day at the tackle shops on a "Walking Victoria" visit. Loved the Empress Tea Time.


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$_571.JPG I also use monster size spin n glows (#000) in front of my hali 8 1/2 - 10 in hoochies and they work great. Unfortunately, the spin n glow wings take a beating from the bottom beasts. The above rig is not my own. I rig my Hali hoochies in a similar manner, but I do not use circle hooks. I will also add jumbo actionizer heads to my hali hoochies sometimes. Anyone know a store that regularly stocks the massive size spin n glows?
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Smile blades made out of mylar are very popular in front of small size mini hoochies for trolling Kokanee. I've been thinking of just making my own in much larger sizes for Salmon and Hali hoochies. There's really not much to them, and I'd think they'd be pretty simple to make yourself.