A business owner can't make out with employees or even randoms, and do more in public, and act like a drunk 19 year old. It's not 1980 anymore, I remember my boss in his 60’s or 70’s basically threatening to fight me when I told him he was being offside with young women at the pub in Squamish in the late 90’s.
If money and good lawyers get someone off without charges, your reputation is out there and the damage is done unless you get off the sauce and publically repent over time.
I've made 3 inappropriate jokes comments, literally and it cost me tens of thousands. Two of my 10 year women employees stood by me but fighting it was useless. Had to do company wide training, policies etc.
Good hard business decision by the partners. Get him out or lose all your staff. The Wikinnish Inn restaurant where every tip is $80-200$ can't get servers and kitchen staff.
He has always been stand up when receiving a cross check from me 30 years ago or the one time in my life where we got a picture of him gawking at our catch at his dock. We all know guys who a flip switches at X beers, guess he is one of those guys. Hope he gets back on track, makes it up to the derby guys some day, and the alleged victims can move on as best they can.
Tofinos a good town. Glad they made the investment in resort and hopefully someone carries on with the vision.