westcoast charters

Island Fish Lifter

Well-Known Member
I have the first ten days of July and the last 10 days of Aug. available for Nootka fishing if interested. 950/ day, 10 hrs. Out of Tahsis would work best.


Fill the dam tub!
quote:Originally posted by Island Fish Lifter

I have the first ten days of July and the last 10 days of Aug. available for Nootka fishing if interested. 950/ day, 10 hrs. Out of Tahsis would work best.


Fill the dam tub!

Hey IFL;

I may have a few buddies who are interested in late August. I am in Kyuquot in early July but two friends are interested in hitting the WCVI this summer and the option was possibly just going to Tofino/Ukie. I would love to get up and explore Tahsis and the surrounding area so I'll bounce it off of them.

Do you know of any accomodation in Tahsis? Likely a hotel or cottage to rent as I don't know that we'd want to haul up a bunch of camping gear.


quote:Originally posted by LastChance

Man, don't get us charter guys going on about it being slow! LOL.... My regulars are fine, but fresh faces from south of the line are few and far between!

Ha ha....I can only imagine what you guys are going through with the economy in the US and the "strength" of our dollar.

I have a place up in Whistler and spend a lot of time up there in the winter. You see the slowdown up there but there are also some funny questions I have overheard from some Americans up there. I listened to two woman inquiring at first, and then almost demanding a discount on the ski jackets they wanted to purchase in a store because of their dollar not being worth as much anymore.[:o)] [:0]

I finally had to chime in and ask them as a Canadian when I am down there if I get a "discount" when my dollar is notably weaker than theirs?? [:p] That abruptly ended their inquiry to the poor sales clerk working in the store.
Hey Pippen if things DONT work out with IFL let me know, Mouthca Bay has some cabins and I can work out of there. Hope things work out with IFL after all Im stompin on his thread. Work is slow.

quote:Originally posted by Pippen

quote:Originally posted by Island Fish Lifter

I have the first ten days of July and the last 10 days of Aug. available for Nootka fishing if interested. 950/ day, 10 hrs. Out of Tahsis would work best.


Fill the dam tub!

Hey IFL;

I may have a few buddies who are interested in late August. I am in Kyuquot in early July but two friends are interested in hitting the WCVI this summer and the option was possibly just going to Tofino/Ukie. I would love to get up and explore Tahsis and the surrounding area so I'll bounce it off of them.

Do you know of any accomodation in Tahsis? Likely a hotel or cottage to rent as I don't know that we'd want to haul up a bunch of camping gear.



Tahsis hotel or I have a buddy that rents his house out there too but we'd need to book it sooner than later. Ill get some prices together and get back to you.


Fill the dam tub!