West Coaster new to the East Coast


Well after spending the majority of my life on the Alberni Inlet and Barclay Sound I now reside in Parksville and thought I might try a little rec fishing,prawning and crabbing just for s***s an giggles. I know most of you will say are you nuts drag the boat back to Alberni and leave it there, I will still spend some time there but in the mean time wouldn`t mind some info on crabbing and even prawns in the area, I`m sure I could scare up a salmon or two.
So how bout it.
Whew!! Thought for a minute you were heading for Nova Scotia where the commercials own everything in the ocean. I fish a bit further north, so I wont comment on the prawning , but the Little Q can be gangbusters in the fall. Winchelsea was good to me years ago.... just keep your ears open and you will get lots of tips. It helps if you reciprocate as well.