weekend weather


Well-Known Member
How can you tell it is the weekend...flat calm and sunny all week and now 'windy and 2-4cm of snow' forecast. A guys relly gotta play sick during the week when the weather is good! Drives me bonkers.
Just got back from ice breaking my way out of Pedder, Wicked

Roy from Fisheries was at the ramp, had a talk with him about a meeting held today on the future of the Halibut Fishery, or lack of future? Sounding bleak. May not open up in Febuary He said to check before planning heading out. I sure hope it does not go to the American system of short day by day openings. Depressing ****.[xx(]

Does anyone know where to find the results of this Halibut commision meeting??? Im outta the Political loop, To many boards and commisions to keep track off.
I've heard RUMOURS</u> of decreased rec allocation which translates to lower limits (not necessarily bad), slot limits, and/or total closures. Prime example of how, in my opinion, the commercial sector dictates management for all. Get in touch with the local Sport Reps as complaining here will not get us anywhere.
If you were to pay attention to the little thing called weather you'd never be fishing.
Too windy, too rough, too bloody rainy, ebbs, floods, too much crap in the water,
yada yada yada
Sometimes I get out just to get out (unless theres over 4ft chop):D
Take care
quote:Originally posted by r.s craven

I hear ya...it's amazing how it can be so consistently bad
on weekends :(
Decreased catch limits and a min size would be fair. That is not even close to the worst case scenario! To go to a opening of a day here and day there like Washington is a big concern. Busy enough out there on certain days, with guys anchoring on top of each other already...

Thanks for the info Concerned.
they cut sporties back , but are they , or will they cut back the commercial, especially in alaska, not frigging likely, halibut is unfortunately gonna go the way of the cod out east, but lets hope not
quote:Originally posted by ratherbefishing

How can you tell it is the weekend...flat calm and sunny all week and now 'windy and 2-4cm of snow' forecast. A guys relly gotta play sick during the week when the weather is good! Drives me bonkers.

Well, being self employed, I had Wednesday appointment late in the afternoon, BUT a friend phoned, and said what a lovely day, feel like taking the boat out, and doing some prawning?, I said HELL YAH! Lets go!, So we go and launch the BOAT, nice older guy at the launch talking to us admiring the boat, and admiring the beautiful flat calm seas, and gorgous sunshine. Well anyways, off we went, was a lovely day we were having a blast so, decided to call the afternoon appointment, and reschedule due to my "BUSY" workload that day!! Well uh, next day I got to that APPOINTMENT, GUESS WHO!? HOLY $%#^ small world (island), OF ALL PEOPLE!! oh well.. he understood and was happy with the service call I did, which only took 15 mins!! :)

Sometimes you just can't let one small appointment get in the way of a lovely day. (MAN IT was WORTH IT, even if he turned his BACK ON ME! , but luckly he was understanding!!!)
quote:Originally posted by r.s craven

So are we supposed to guess Fishinforfun ??

Yah, sorry didn't really tell the story the way I wanted to! Oh well.. you get the picture!

The look on my face was probably priceless to the guy when he saw me at his door. (BUSY DAY HUH!? :) )
Nice forecast...nothing beats just getting out there and trying. Nothing for us today but a little treat when heading back home to N Nanaimo...what a pain in the a$$ to try and back a trailer up a hill in the sleet and snow to a tight parking spot!
Sun was shining, and the water was calm off Victoria...
I arrived back at Cattle point to a small blizzard
fishing slow, crabbing awesome today !
I would like to know if there is any more info on the halibut season or if there is even going to be one? Has anyone heard any more info.? Do we assume it is opening on the 1st? Where do I call to find out?? I'm new to the area so any help is appreciated!
Can anyone give me any info on prawning out of Sooke Basin? Which way? How??
quote:Originally posted by Always Learnin

Can anyone give me any info on prawning out of Sooke Basin? Which way? How??
check the search function out, it will give you lot's of info
on these topic's