WCVI Commercial Chinook openings

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Can someone explain why DFO continues to allow a commercial chinook troll fishery off WCVI in areas 23,24,25 26,27????. There has been a fishery on and off all winter and spring. The latest opening was May 1-5. Total estimated chinook catch was 8,500 pieces. Many inside fish migrate down the outside.....

At a time when DFO is telling us there are fewer and fewer fish, imposed reduced or no retention limits, they continue to defy logic by allowing these commercial fisheries.

Commercial guys have a lobby group where it counts (Ottawa), and they're not afraid to spend a few bux on their favorite elected official to make sure the status quo is maintained or improved, from their perspective. Look at this ITC abortion they're trying for.

Only way we will ever have a chance to affect policy and challenge the way things have been, are, and will continue to be, is to organize and have our own lobby group.

Of course the Commercials are winning the battle, because we're not even on the battle field.

We need to have a presence in Ottawa. And sending letters and e-mails apparently does not count in this war. Look at the results so far!

We all know that economically not to mention environmentally for the province a sports fishing industry would be more beneficial than a commercial one. Instead of a few people making big piles of money we would have many people, especially in smaller and remote communities making a living, thus less hand outs needed.

We only need look at history...when big money is on the line, the Fox can't be in charge of the Chickens. We now have the Commercials trying for exactly that through ITCs. And history shows that they have not been responsible stewarts of the resource, otherwise our stocks would still be healhty and plentiful.