Watching the demise of our pacific wild salmon


I belive our governments of Canada and the DFO have learned nothing from the tragedy and collapse of the east coast cod fishery. Simple because they are letting exactly the same thing happen on the west coast to our pacific salmon. In a slightly different way I suppose. There is still gross overfishing expecially with seine netting which can take out a whole run. But more so with the ocean pen salmon farming aquaculture industry which is slowly destroying our wild salmon. Our government is ignoring the scientific evidence of the damage being done and is muzzling the government scientists assessment of the situation. Wild pacific salmon is a subject close to my heart and I have seen the decline myself over the last 10 years. I am quite disgusted that any government could let this happen! If this carries on, in years to come we will only have farmed salmon to eat. All the wild salmon will be gone forever. So will the tourism and orcas, bears and everything else that depends on it.
Hi Mark:
Sad and increasingly true. There's lots of discussion on this topic on the Conservation, Management and Politics forum.
I don't think they believe they have anything to learn. Their management actions were and are a complete success. The bureaucrats all got their cozy pensions and other payouts or have moved to more senior positions leading to the same. They don't even care that you are not capable of understanding the important issues. Pretty much the way all governments operate.
One thing we can all do is continue to make ou voices heard, and to rally behind people who are fighting for us, namely Alexandra Morton. Send her some money, and send an email to your local mla about how you want the fish farms removed from your local area. They need to hear it, cause they'll do what their constituency wants them to do. Makes me sick hearing how the argument for salmon farms is 'jobs' when the commercial, guiding, and sporties generated way more jobs when the fishing was at its peak. The west coast fishing seems good, but the Straight is a far cry from what it once was.