

Active Member
For the last 3 weeks, I have attempted to soak a trap or two in Becher Bay in hopes of some crab for guests!

This has proven to be a bit tough with the new breed of Vulture that has not only decided poach the traps of all crab but the freshly baited Salmon heads as well. At first i was hoping it may have just been coincidental that the Heavy gauge Zip ties that i could hang my boat from were being cut by F*** knows?

Now after 4 occasions of bait vulturey even after adding tie wire to the mix i am wondering if any others have been getting there bait stolen?I don't believe it, i've seen everything now?[xx(]
That doesn't sound good, Maddog. I was hoping to soak a couple of traps there after I get back from Renfrew. Is this happening every time?!!
this may be hard to believe, but we have a seal in oak bay
who has learned to rob the trap of bait.
He will swim up and wait while you drop the trap, and then chase
it down. he then finds a way to get in and rips the bait off.[V]
I've always wondered if seals would mess with a crab trap.

We've noticed a TON more traps this year in the area that we have crabbed for years. It's unfortunate because the crabbing is really suffering. I suppose they'll go elsewhere when it's fished out.
Happens every time i use fresh heads, Cable ties and stainless tie wire vanishes as if it were never there? SNIPP! GONE! Even after just a morning 4 or 5 hour fish.

I can only presume that with the lack of fish caught latley, some character has decided to take the fresh heads for there own traps.
Could at least do the ethical thing and leave a few cans beer in the trap like someone pleasently did in Renfrew a few years back. Now that made me laugh my butt off!

So now for my own personal enjoyment[}:)] i have a buddy who is going to keep 6 on my traps this week from his deck with the binnocks to uncover the desperate culpret. Once discovered i will gladly place all my heads into his boat all summer long for the culprets further trap use, just to make sure they don't run out and go through such hassle taking mine.[:0]
If it is a seal doing the theiving you might try this: put one bag of salmon heads in as usual with the required holes in the bag, then put in a second bag with a salmon head but also add a couple of teaspoons of ceyanne pepper and a bit of water, shake it up, and don't puncture the bag. The seal will puncture the bag and wish he hadn't. They are normally smart enough to realize that bags are potentially bad. Remind the seal occasionally by adding a 'hot' bag to your traps at random intervals. Mind you, it may just take the un-baited bag;)

OTOH, if your buddy discovers that it is a human 'head lover', you could always use the ceyanne on his/her rectum:Dso it won't be a wasted purchase[8D].
I use the little bait cages, which generally discourages the non-human thieves.
quote:OTOH, if your buddy discovers that it is a human 'head lover', you could always use the ceyanne on his/her rectumso it won't be a wasted purchase.
What a great idea! Rectum Damn near Killed em!

Tsquared, I use the bait cages as well and am finding them emtied too! Your in the same turf, have you been finding the same? Hows Prt.RFrew? Hali Galore for you?

Oh well, I was a bit worked up about it on my night shift last night and now i think i will just let the traps get a sunburn for the rest of the busy season this summer.I would almost rather not find out who is doing it! Although i have my suspicions[8D]
I haven't been up to Renfrew yet this season, we are going to go up on Monday. I've only been out once from Cheanuh so far(last Monday) and I didn't put the crab traps in. I was hoping for some decent crabbing in Becher but I guess it's not to be. Hopefully we'll get some at Rennie, we usually do in July then it slows down in August. Maybe you'll have the thieves all nailed with the big stakeout by the time I get back.[8D]
Lost another crab pot in cowichan bay. Dropped two traps in Cow Bay on my way to Portland Island Saturday afternoon. Returned last night and only 1 trap left. These are old commercial traps. Very heavy. and large floats. No way they left without help.
Was out in Cow Bay crabbing on Sat night, lots of traps so it could have been cut off by careless boats. Crabbing was good but the traps were completely packed with undersizers.
Lots of those careless boaters in the summer here. I usually put my traps out in middle of bay but because of heavy traffic to launch ramp I put them up closer to Cherry Point Marina this time of year. Figured they would be out of the way more there. Geuss not. 120' of leaded line. If floats were cut off, line would sink.