vinyl covered cannon balls

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anyone using those balls covered in a black vinyl ? they look nice.
First time you brush bottom the vinyl starts to tear off and then you're left with an ordinary cannonball.
I have used them, never noticed the vinyl coming off even after bouncing bottom a few times. Haven't really found them being any better than regular canonballs.
quote:never noticed the vinyl coming off even after bouncing bottom a few times.
I bought the cheap ones from Canadian Tire <img src=icon_smile_wink.gif border=0 align=middle>
quote:Haven't really found them being any better than regular canonballs.
You need the lead exposed!! Thats if you want to keep the 'energy field' of dissimilar metals in action and the field at a proper voltage..of course!... re: scotty and protroll black boxes aren't nec if its done correctly.

My buddy, an electrician, SWEARS that vinyl's the best ...and my naked balls catch more than his. Hmmmm... maybe that didn't come out quite right. But I try not to bounce my balls. Hmmmm...

Remember, it's called "fishing," not "catching."

Edited by - red monster on 01/24/2006 20:50:04
Once he was even talking about painting his ball. I said, "Go ahead. Whatever makes you happy, but leave mine alone." Hmmm...

Remember, it's called "fishing," not "catching."
It is better to clean your 'balls' every time before you use them.

ps.with ss brush only.. might get dirty cannonballs<img src=icon_smile_cool.gif border=0 align=middle>
