Victoria waterfront

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I'm brand new to fishing and to this board, so excuse my ignorance please! I found a spot that I can fish fom shore, between Ross Bay and Oak Bay that I really like, mainly because I can get to it easily from where I live. I managed to catch a couple of really nice Springs in August (20lb), (my first salmon!) but am now not able to catch anything. I was spincasting with Pink Pearl 4" buzz bombs on 15lb test. Can Anyone offer suggestions as to what are some other lures I might try using, and general info about Salmon close to shore at this time of year. I'm starting to feel pretty stupid thrashing the water when I catch nothing and there's nobody else that I can see fishing the waterfront , including from boats!
Any tips would be much appreciated!

Dont feel bad it's not you, its the salmon. It's that time of year when all the fish head up rivers along the coast leaving an empty ocean behind. The fish you were encountering were migrating mature chinook heading to there stream of choice to spawn and you are smack dab in the transition period of the year when salmon are tough to catch from the shore line your fishing. I used to have the same problem so I took up river fishing to tie me over till late May when the salmon start up again. As for the lures your bang on, those are perfect for your aplication. I would personally go a little lighter on the line so you can cast futher. Maybe 12 or even 10. If you really itching to cast, I would try the breakwater, as there are winter springs that drift by there on ocassion.
Dont feel bad it's not you, its the salmon. It's that time of year when all the fish head up rivers along the coast leaving an empty ocean behind. The fish you were encountering were migrating mature chinook heading to there stream of choice to spawn and you are smack dab in the transition period of the year when salmon are tough to catch from the shore line your fishing. I used to have the same problem so I took up river fishing to tie me over till late May when the salmon start up again. As for the lures your bang on, those are perfect for your aplication. I would personally go a little lighter on the line so you can cast futher. Maybe 12 or even 10. If you really itching to cast, I would try the breakwater, as there are winter springs that drift by there on ocassion.
Dont feel bad it's not you, its the salmon. It's that time of year when all the fish head up rivers along the coast leaving an empty ocean behind. The fish you were encountering were migrating mature chinook heading to there stream of choice to spawn and you are smack dab in the transition period of the year when salmon are tough to catch from the shore line your fishing. I used to have the same problem so I took up river fishing to tie me over till late May when the salmon start up again. As for the lures your bang on, those are perfect for your aplication. I would personally go a little lighter on the line so you can cast futher. Maybe 12 or even 10. If you really itching to cast, I would try the breakwater, as there are winter springs that drift by there on ocassion.
Dont feel bad it's not you, its the salmon. It's that time of year when all the fish head up rivers along the coast leaving an empty ocean behind. The fish you were encountering were migrating mature chinook heading to there stream of choice to spawn and you are smack dab in the transition period of the year when salmon are tough to catch from the shore line your fishing. I used to have the same problem so I took up river fishing to tie me over till late May when the salmon start up again. As for the lures your bang on, those are perfect for your aplication. I would personally go a little lighter on the line so you can cast futher. Maybe 12 or even 10. If you really itching to cast, I would try the breakwater, as there are winter springs that drift by there on ocassion.