VCI Fishing Charter Suggestions?


Hey guys,

Gotta couple days babysitting from grandma :Dand my wife and I are looking at a couple day charter for halibut/ground fish. Looking for a nice resort-type place with wine (not whine) and whiskey and some decent eating, a good shot at ground fish. But protected waters, as I don't want our first charter to be our last.:)

We live in Courtenay and are looking for a west or north island outfit that comes with good reviews. Although anywhere close would do. Port Hardy, Nootka, Quatsino...any suggestions? I seen a nice place last spring on the way out to Winter Harbour from Coal Harbour via Quatsino (spelling??)Sound, have no idea what it was called but it looked new and comforable.

If I can't find something nice she'll make me go to fishin' in Vegas![V]

Thanks in advance!
Dohboy: Days off: We're hoping for April 24-27th maybe. At least between April 20th and May 2 sometime. Most resorts not open yet I guess, eh?

Blue: Thanks, I'll look into the links, I'll tell 'em you sent me. When do you start up? You fish the west sometime too, don't 'cha?

I was looking at running a couple more years but got more and more involved with para-medicine in the last couple years with my fire department...
Anyways long story-short, I will be working a three week rotation for the next year with only two weeks on the Island every five weeks so it looks like fishing for fun only (which will be different)this year.
Can't see trying to get in sinq. with the fish with that kind of a schedule being fair to paying clients.
So no...probably not.