Vancouver Guides


I am looking for a Vancouver area fisherman to take me out on their boat in order to do some filming of my Flasher System for Down Riggers. The KoneZone Daisy Chain configured by Cal at Nikka Fishing in Richmond has been gaining in popularity as of late. I am in town for the boat show and would like to spend a couple of hours or more on the water. If you have any ideas I would really appreciate the heads up. The only must is, the boat has to have down riggers. I will leave you with some premier gear and some fuel funds if you would only be so kind. [8D] I only have Tuesday open and anytime is great. Thanks, Mike
Tuesday as in the 12th?
I would do it but I'm working.
Good luck.
Tuesday as in the 12th?
I would do it but I'm working.
Good luck.
Awesome I got a deal with Jason of Bonchovie Charters out of Vancouver. I will post a report tomorrow. Thanks, Mike
Awesome I got a deal with Jason of Bonchovie Charters out of Vancouver. I will post a report tomorrow. Thanks, Mike
Report: Jason from BonChovy Fishing Charters was kind enough to get me out on the water to film the KoneZone Daisy Chain for down riggers. We hit the water at about 8:00 to 8:15 and were fishing shortly after that. Fished near Lions Gate Bridge West Vancouver and the Mouth of the Cap? I hope I got that right. It was windy and CHILLY with horizontal flying liquid. We were fishing the Ebb Tide and Jason said not to expect too much. After about 15 minuets we got a hook up that lasted about 30 seconds with a long distance release. I was happy to fight a fish as the main idea was to film the action of the gear in the water. About an hour later we got another take down and I took over to fight a shaker, {too small} fish. While we were watching my fish come in we hooked up with a keeper. Yeeeee Hawwww we got a double, Winter fishing with less than a half hour left. Jason had to pick up his charter at about 10:30 and he reported that he landed another 4 fish. Not too shabby as far as I'm concerned.