Fortunately, the Columbia Springer run is forecast to be one of best in last 15 years for this season. Not hearing rumbling of WA State following suit on closures, which likely reflects Columbia and Puget Sound showing good forecast returns. There sure seems to be high abundance of Chinook out on WCVI so far this season, so the forecast seems accurate. We normally see a predominance of Columbia and Puget Sound fish in the early season in Barkley Sound where I far so good.

About 84,800 Upper Columbia River summer Chinook are forecasted to return in 2023, representing about 120 percent of the 10-year average return and higher than last year's 78,500 fish. The total return of fall Chinook to the Columbia River is expected to be similar to the recent 3-year returns.Mar 3, 2023

Puget Sound Chinook are also expected to be up slightly with around 259,000 forecast to return in 2023, compared to 250,440 in 2022.Mar 3, 2023

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