URGENT: Southern Resident Killer Whale Recovery - DFO Online Survey-Deadline March 2nd (Salmon Fishing Area Closures 2022)

Problem? Two of my clients in Ottawa are shutdown now over 3 weeks from your convey. That is a fact. They had to lay off all staff, and one my not re-open again. Tell me how that doesn't hurt small business?
Not my convoy. Lol. Was just saying can’t condemn it as they’re small group like us sporties that no-one listens to.
3weeks???? Many friends have lost their businesses over the two years as this mess kept on going. Pubs. Guides. Lodges. Campsites.
how many fishermen couldn’t come up from the States last two summers and bring their $$$???
No man don’t be naive thinking that Canadians lost only last 3 weeks!!! We been loosing a while now.
Either way Bud!!! I hope we don’t have to do a boat convoy in a few years just because we can’t go fishing. And that’s all we want to do!!!!
Not my convoy. Lol. Was just saying can’t condemn it as they’re small group like us sporties that no-one listens to.
3weeks???? Many friends have lost their businesses over the two years as this mess kept on going. Pubs. Guides. Lodges. Campsites.
how many fishermen couldn’t come up from the States last two summers and bring their $$$???
No man don’t be naive thinking that Canadians lost only last 3 weeks!!! We been loosing a while now.
Either way Bud!!! I hope we don’t have to do a boat convoy in a few years just because we can’t go fishing. And that’s all we want to do!!!!

Well aware of the 2+ years of restrictions in business directly.

However, I simply don't agree pushing businesses to force them to close another 3 weeks or longer after they just re-opened, and harming them again financially is great cause. Especially when it is the public doing it.

That is when you lose public support which really has already happened. We always talk about protests on here, and public perception is everything. If we did something similar as this situation with whale closures it would backfire.

All I am getting at.
I don't really care any more you guys do what you want. Same theme every year.

I am getting as many people to fill it out my end. I get being mad at it, but I don't suggest we all roll over and not fill it out. That too me is completely stupid, and I won't personally give the NGO groups that satisfaction.
Did DFO consider/ mention that last summer the J-pod was off the west coast of California all summer instead of the JDF?
Did DFO consider/ mention that last summer the J-pod was off the west coast of California all summer instead of the JDF?
I think someone mentioned to DFO with the change of Matriarch leading the Pod, all bets are off. No guarantee the new leader will follow the old ones pattern. I think this might explain a lot of recent behaviour.
Yeah but guys, look what the "science" says.
Yeah but guys, look what the "science" says.

Hey bud you really think that we are catching thier food?

I've seen it, been there, those whales are happy, savages, those Orcas are the best fisherman in our salty feeding ground hands down, the only way I can out fish them is if we catch them. Not happening. We have respect for those whales. Their family is not effected by mine. Until now
Hey bud you really think that we are catching thier food?

I've seen it, been there, those whales are happy, savages, those Orcas are the best fisherman in our salty feeding ground hands down, the only way I can out fish them is if we catch them. Not happening. We have respect for those whales. Their family is not effected by mine. Until now
No, of course not lol.
" "science" "
Hey bud you really think that we are catching thier food?

I've seen it, been there, those whales are happy, savages, those Orcas are the best fisherman in our salty feeding ground hands down, the only way I can out fish them is if we catch them. Not happening. We have respect for those whales. Their family is not effected by mine. Until now

Correct me if I am wrong, aren't killer whales one ofbthr smartest nonhuman mamals on this planet? If so, would they not target some fat and slow seals and sea lions and get 50 times the calories from a single seal than solely go after Chinook? The idea that killer whales only eat Chinook and only eat around the areas we fish is absurd.
They should have emvironmentalist for hire . They should be counting fish and making sure we have enough to allocate food, commercial and sport throughout the board. Hands down.

Survey to fill out.



Today an online survey was launched to help gather feedback on the proposed management measure options for 2022 to continue to support the recovery of Southern Resident Killer Whales.

Since 2019, the Government of Canada has been implementing a suite of measures to protect and further support the recovery of Southern Resident Killer Whales. These measures have been in place annually to address key threats to the recovery of this population, including reduced quantity and access to their prey, and increased noise and disturbance in their habitat.

Your valued feedback will help us refine the proposed management measures and help us understand potential implications of the options being considered. As such, we invite you to review the proposed management measure options for 2022, and submit your comments to help inform this years approach. The public survey is available on the Fisheries and Oceans Canada website until March 2, 2022. Please use this links below access the survey.

Thank you Spring V—I filled out the whole survey and hopefully let the powers that be know that new restrictions on anglers are limiting our enjoyment and our freedom of movement on the water. Apart from the impracticality of enforcement, these proposaled “enhancements” are just another tool by bureaucrats to keep boats and people off the water while allowing commercial and tribal interests to carry on as usual. ALL ANGLERS Please respond to this survey and voice your concerns—Thank you and tight lines!
I would add that the SFAB will be holding special SFAC meetings in those areas impacted by the proposed management measures to gather in local knowledge holder expertise. Those inputs will be summarized and shared, so folks wishing to see the SFAB response and then complete the survey are welcome to do that. The SFAB meetings will be next week, so the summary document will be available week of Feb 21. The survey is open for comment until March 2.

Please note that within the survey there are 24 questions, and many allow for additional comment within dialogue boxes that drop down after you select an answer. If the option you are providing comment on doesn't fit your expert views on areas of high SRKW foraging, you can offer alternatives.
Hey team, this is a very poor, and possibly harmful survey.

Firstly, some questions are confusing and misleading. There should be separate questions for: "does this benefit you..?" and "does this negatively impact you...?"
Secondly, it's open form ANYONE to fill out. There's no requirement for a: name, address, angler number, email etc. to legitimize the respondent.
Thirdly, because of the above, the groups/individuals thinking their helping whales could fill it out 10's or even a 100 times indicating they want the maximum restrictions against recreational fishers.

Be cautious about participating. If you do anything, please ask for a better, more concise survey to replace this one.
Hey team, this is a very poor, and possibly harmful survey.

Firstly, some questions are confusing and misleading. There should be separate questions for: "does this benefit you..?" and "does this negatively impact you...?"
Secondly, it's open form ANYONE to fill out. There's no requirement for a: name, address, angler number, email etc. to legitimize the respondent.
Thirdly, because of the above, the groups/individuals thinking their helping whales could fill it out 10's or even a 100 times indicating they want the maximum restrictions against recreational fishers.

Be cautious about participating. If you do anything, please ask for a better, more concise survey to replace this one.

The Sport Fishery Advisory Board and all the local chairs from each area are asking for anglers to fill this survey out. We are not suggesting the above. It is important for anglers to fill it out. There are plenty of opportunities to make comments in the survey.

We would also like to remind people on here as this is an open forum we have no idea who is posting on this thread. We see a lot of new members all of the sudden, and also people that hardly post ever. We already know NGO and others that would like to see out fishery close lurk here anonymously on this forum.

Telling people not to fill it isn't what we are advising right now. This also the direction of other groups that are lobbying to keep your fisheries open such as SFI/SVIAC and Public Fishery Alliance etc.
The Sport Fishery Advisory Board and all the local chairs from each area are asking for anglers to fill this survey out. We are not suggesting the above. It is important for anglers to fill it out. There are plenty of opportunities to make comments in the survey.

We would also like to remind people on here as this is an open forum we have no idea who is posting on this thread. We see a lot of new members all of the sudden, and also people that hardly post ever. We already know NGO and others that would like to see out fishery close lurk here anonymously on this forum.

Telling people not to fill it isn't what we are advising right now. This also the direction of other groups that are lobbying to keep your fisheries open such as SFI/SVIAC and Public Fishery Alliance etc.
Not totally correct SpringVelocity.
Possibly true for some members of SFAB but I know for sure some key stakeholders who are requesting a better worded survey to replace the present one.