URGENT GLASS SPONGE REEFS CLOSURE to Prohibit Use of Downrigger Gear

Here's the email update I got from DFO:

Dear Stakeholder,

As an active participant in the Strait of Georgia and Howe Sound Glass Sponge Reef Conservation Initiative, I am writing to inform you that today, Minister for Fisheries, Oceans and the Canadian Coast Guard, the Honourable Jonathan Wilkinson, announced the establishment of eight marine refuges totalling 3.5km² in Howe Sound to protect nine newly discovered glass sponge reefs.

Following input from First Nations and stakeholder consultations, the Department decided to proceed with formal fishery closures for eight areas containing nine significant reefs and adhere to a protection boundary of 150 metres from the reefs edges as a precautionary measure (http://www.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/oceans/ceccsr-cerceef/closures-fermetures-eng.html). Effective April 1, 2019 all commercial, recreational and First Nations Food, Social and Ceremonial (FSC) bottom contact fishing activities for prawn, shrimp, crab and groundfish will be prohibited within portions of Subareas 28-2 and 28-4 to protect nine Howe Sound glass sponge reefs, as marine refuges. This includes the following fishing activities:

  • Prawn and crab by trap
  • Shrimp and groundfish by trawl
  • Groundfish by hook and line
Additionally, the use of downrigger gear in recreational salmon trolling will also be prohibited via a Condition of Licence and will be in effect for the 2019 recreational fishing season. This gear is generally used at shallow depths, which poses a risk of physical contact with several of the reefs in Howe Sound. These closures will be communicated through a DFO fishery notice, fishery advisory board meetings, and integrated fisheries management plans.

As shared throughout the consultation process, these closures are being put in place to protect glass sponge reefs, and the important habitat they provide for many invertebrate and fish species including economically important species such as prawns and rockfish.

Nine remaining sites in Howe Sound require further ground-truthing to confirm their status and ecological significance. Following this announcement, DFO plans to work with First Nations and stakeholders to:

  • Develop an education and awareness campaign on the new closures and prohibition of downrigger gear for recreational salmon trolling
  • Pursue options to conduct future research to ground-truth the additional sites in Howe Sound
  • Initiate and consult on the development of a long term comprehensive management plan
Thank you for your ongoing participation in this process, your feedback and insight are greatly appreciated. We will be following up with you to discuss the next steps outlined above. In the meantime, should you have any questions regarding these closures, please contact Amy Mar, Regional Manager at Amy.Mar@dfo-mpo.gc.ca / 604 666 1090 or Deirdre Finn, Fisheries Management Officer at Deirdre.Finn@dfo-mpo.gc.ca / 604 666 2606.

DFO News Release and Backgrounder:

New marine refuges in the Howe Sound to protect glass sponge reefs

De nouveaux refuges marins dans la baie Howe pour protéger des récifs d’éponges siliceuses


Deirdre Finn

Fisheries Management Officer, Sustainable Fisheries Framework

Fisheries and Oceans / Government of Canada

Deirdre.Finn@dfo-mpo.gc.ca / Tel: 604-666-2606

Agente de gestion des Pêches, Cadre pour la pêche durable

Pêches et Océans Canada/ Gouvernement du Canada
Deirdre.Finn@dfo-mpo.gc.ca / Tel: 604-666-2606
Bet they can. Bet they use this club in other areas.
Bet they can. Bet they use this club in other areas.

What’s the definition of a down rigger?? How is it defined in the fisheries act

Is it a fine? Is it an appreance notice??

DFO has asked Ottawa for tackle restrictions for years. Still on the MP desks I’m sure

They couldent make descenders mandatory but this they can?? I’ll wait and see
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What’s the definition of a down rigger?? How is it defined in the fisheries act

Is it a fine? Is it an appreance notice??

DFO has asked Ottawa for tackle restrictions for years. Still on the MP desks I’m sure

They couldent make descenders mandatory but this they can?? I’ll wait and see

Descenders are mandatory this season.

Just like Leader length on the Fraser, they recommend short Leader with threats of closure if impacts due to snagging observed but my understanding is that try as they might, they haven’t been able to restrict the gear ...


Strange how the older closures still permit downrigger fishing. I would have thought they would have banned downrigger fishing in the old areas too. Complicated now, with two different sets of sponge reefs.

Hopefully Navionics will update their maps soon so we know where the new areas are rather than having to look at the bigger map.
Strange how the older closures still permit downrigger fishing. I would have thought they would have banned downrigger fishing in the old areas too. Complicated now, with two different sets of sponge reefs.

Hopefully Navionics will update their maps soon so we know where the new areas are rather than having to look at the bigger map.
not really too difficult. Some of those areas are very deep. Deeper than a rec fisherman would be fishing with a downrigger and getting down low enough to come close to a sponge reef.

I too hope Navionics updates quickly. It would be very helpful if they could add a different shade or color to the closed area, instead of just the squiggly line that they have right now.