Upgrades and Repairs to Forum Complete.


Active Member
The site has been down for four days due to unforseen program problems, but with the required repairs they also upgraded some of the forum features.:D Hope you like the upgrades. Sorry for the down time.

Cheers ME
thats a relief I thought It was my computor had gone on the fritz
i thought it was my puter as well , was about 2 deleet everything and start all over again :D
I was away fishing hali..came back , it didn't work on logon and I thought my wife had fixed a "block-out" while I was gone![8D]...nice updates...[^]
thought my cookies were disabled, wondering what the heck happened to all the posts... good job on the upgrades though.
All fixed no more withdrawl. :D I thought my computer was on the fritz to...... There were problems with the server so they had to replace it and upgraded it and some of the features at the same time.

Cheers ME