Update on the HALI Derby!!!!

We'll be there for the derby and wrap-up. Two for sure, but probably four. I'll get confirmation tomorrow.

(aka lpaulcarter)

March 25th 2006 In Victoria For Sportsfishingbc Members and Friends.

The First Annual Sportfishingbc Halibut Derby 2005.

Top weight and hidden weight prizes.

$10.00 per person entry fee. Everyone on a boat must be entered.

Boundry From Jordan River to Sidney. However must be at the official weigh in station by 1:59 pm sharp or your catch will not count for the derby. No Excuses or Stories. So don't cut it to close to the wire.!<img src=icon_smile_shock.gif border=0 align=middle>

Even if you don't land what you figure to win biggest fish, weigh it in.

Both the meet in greet and the wrap up party are being held at the Esquimalt Legion and we hope everyone can attend both events.

For those that can't make the derby feel free to join us during either or both get togethers @ the Legion.

Look forward to posting The Official Sign Up page soon, As well a list of those who have already confirmed they are attending which will be updated daily. So please let us know ASAP.

Thanks Kev

Great practice for The 10th Annual Just For The Halibut Derby!<img src=icon_smile_big.gif border=0 align=middle>
We need to know who will be attending the derby asap for us to make all the final arrangements. Thanks to those who have already confirmed there attendance. We almost have everything finalized but need comfirmation so please email me or wolf my email is asportfishingbcmoderator@hotmail.com or wolf's is bluewolf@telus.net

So far confirmed

Wolf/MyEscape/Special Guest
Searam and 1 other
Maddog and 2 others
Kildonan/Streamhopper and 1 other
Tsquared and 1 or 2 others
Bodie and up to 3 others
CaptainDudds And 1 or 2 others
Tailout and 2 others
Yote and 2 others

So far thats 28 confimed

Now yet to confirm but expressed interest or may be attending with those that confirmed.


Please we need your help listing all those in your group on a boat. Trying to get a boat count too. We are willing to work hard on this but only have so much time. The clock is ticking and we need to get things handled.

By the way if any one has a spare seat on their boat we have a few people that would like to participate. Searam got ya handled email incoming.

Cheers Kevin

Edited by - MyEscape on 02/16/2006 10:53:31
Special Guest?.....I'm getting word that the Noggin will be in attendance. Can anyone confirm?

Pass the Pack
I already confirmed via e mail to Roy, but I will confirm here as well. I am in for the meet and greet on Friday and the derby Sat. and the after derby events as well. I have another two partners that will be in it with me as well, so three of us. I can't wait, and thanks for doing all this work to get it up and running guys.
Again, I would like to attend, if someone would have space for me. I'll definately be there for the meet and greet. And hopefully we can partake in the fishing action too.


Seafood, it eat, then catch more.
I'd love to go but that 4 letter word (work) has me out of town that week. Good luck to all involved.

For those who cannot make the derby you are welcome to come to the Friday Meet and Greet or the Sunday Wrap Up Party.

Remember even if this is your first time for hali's if your boat is big enough give it a try.

Still looking for rides for some with small boats that want to participate and willing to assist in the costs.

Cheers Kev

Edited by - MyEscape on 02/16/2006 18:17:56
My anticipated ride isn't available that day unfortunately, so am presently out of luck. Will let you know if something changes between now and them.

Great job to you and Wolf however on all your efforts in organizing.

We need to know who will be attending the derby asap for us to make all the final arrangements. Thanks to all those who have already confirmed there attendance. We almost have everything finalized but need comfirmation so please email me or wolf my email is asportfishingbcmoderator@hotmail.com or wolf's is bluewolf@telus.net

So far confirmed

Wolf/MyEscape/Special Guest
Searam and 1 other
Maddog and 2 others
Kildonan/Streamhopper and 1 other
Tsquared and 1 or 2 others
Bodie and up to 3 others
CaptainDudds And 1 or 2 others
Tailout and 2 others
Yote and 2 others
Pangea and 1 other
Hurston and Codfish

So far thats 32 confimed

Now yet to confirm but expressed interest or may be attending with those that confirmed.


Please we need your help listing all those in your group on a boat. Trying to get a boat count too. We are willing to work hard on this but only have so much time. The clock is ticking and we need to get things handled.

By the way if any one has a spare seat on their boat we have 3 people that would like to participate and will contribute to the costs.

Also if you have any prizes that you could donate let us know about them. Some people have already offered prizes TBA. For those that have already offered to donate prizes THANK-YOU
quote: Wolf/MyEscape/Special Guest

LOL! <img src=icon_smile_big.gif border=0 align=middle> Now THAT's Damn Funny!!! <img src=icon_smile_big.gif border=0 align=middle> LOL!!

Been called a LOT of things in my time, but "special" ain't something I hear every day <img src=icon_smile_approve.gif border=0 align=middle>

Wolf: MANY THANKS for extending an invite my direction! Never chased flatties down that way before, so I'm certain it will be right interesting! I s'pose the usual West Coast tricks should work?? Drop me an E when you have a moment, have an interesting possibility for some prime bait for this show...

Right Looking forward to attending both "Planning/Debriefing Sessions" LOL! And to plying the Big Pond with you Gentz. Think we're in for some FUN!!

Cheers & THANKS!
Wow. I wish i could ride shotty with "THE GREAT ONE"

You are so spoiled Nogg. May need a bigger boat for all that tallent.

If you pop a beer at the dock at 6 am they call you a sportsman, do it at home and they call you a drunk.

size=6]<img src=icon_smile_question.gif border=0 align=middle>
Sorry, never done halibut and i dont have a trailer :( maybe next year

To fish or not to fish,
What a stupid question!
Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day, teach a man to fish, and he will sit on a boat drinking beer for a life time :D
TGIF =Thank God It Floats
aYup, right looking forward to this one!

I have a good buddy searchin' for a ride on the Big Pond for this one. He's alright on the water, but has yet to find a halibut with his name on it. Good fella to get to know for a host of reasons <img src=icon_smile_wink.gif border=0 align=middle><img src=icon_smile_big.gif border=0 align=middle>
Anyone that might be interested, please drop me an Email...

Nog I might have a spot on my boat but won't no before this wednesday night!

Been very busy and consumed by my new job. Anyone else coming to the derby or the get togethers??????

Note: If you looking for any suggestions there will be some very knowledgeable fishermen (plural not singular) on how to have a safe, exciting, fun trip and fish gods be willing even catch some nice halibut. Worse case senario you had another memoralable day on the water and off at the wrap up get together. Remember even if you didn't catch the biggest fish you still have a chance to win some great prizes to be drawn at random @ Saturdays Wrap Up Party 3 pm at the Esquimalt Legion. Remeber you have to be at the Wrap Up Party to WIN!!!!

I know I can't wait!!!

Cheers Kevin

Edited by - MyEscape on 02/25/2006 20:33:56