And a tough one to police. I regularly take out buddies to go fishing and yes they are legitimately good friends. I am taking members of my hockey club out a couple of times in the next month and we will all split all costs equally. Having said that, it could be just as easy for me to take them all out and have them pay for everything. At that point is it buds going fishing together, or is that guiding? I get so much fish over the summer for myself, that any fish caught with these guys will be taken home by them. They will use my rods, my gear and I'll buy and prep all the bait (I am a little particular about that). we will go in my truck. Afterwards if we get anything, we will go to my place and I will fillet their catch and package in in vacuum bags. All in all it is pretty damn similar to what any guide (legit or not) would do. I guess the difference is I insist on splitting all costs equally.
I know one thing for sure,. After a day of doing this with my friends (most of whom are clueless about all the requirements for fishing), I am exhausted and there is no way in hell I would want to do it for a living, or even for spare cash. It is simply too damn much work. All you licensed guides have my utmost respect. You work VERY hard for the money and I am just too anal-retentive about my boat and my gear to let others beat the sh*t out of it all the time.