Understanding Halibut currents

  • Thread starter Thread starter Hurston
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I'm trying to figure out what makes a good Halibut fishing day current wise and I have some questions for the experts.
I'm looking at the current tables in March and I think Mar 31st between 10am and 4pm looks good.
Can u look at the following and tell me your thoughts onit.
Also can anyone recomend a better site then the 1 I'm using
today and yesterday was a good day for hali fishing. there was pritty much no currents, so your lures would stay down there. i heard of a 60lber being caught of constance yesterday
Have you ever gone hali fishing mongoose oh ya you have never even been to constance!!!!!!!!!!!!
Today is a very small window from maybe noon to dark with a flood tide in there to boot and not really very good please dont advise people on here as to when its good if someone went out today and lost an anchor system i am positive they would be pissed the morning it would have been smoking fast out there. better learn to read them properly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hurston you are right about the tides for that day but still alittle fast personally I dont like when you have a ebb to a flood dont get c=alot of fish then the 25 th is better crack of dawn to about noon then get out as the current is too fast ill be out then!!!!!! but not the 31 st

Good luck Wolf
Even with the Current "Predictor" program there is such a big diffrence between areas you can fish and on what currents. For example, On a heavy ebb you can be blown off West Constance but fish East Race fine. It really does take a fair amount of trial and error or Experience to figure out what you can effectivly and safely fish, all in comparison to your current predictor of choice. Remember these are only predictions and are often subject to drastic change. JDF East harmonic station is based 48°13.9'N 123°31.8'W
SE of Race Rocks,so you need to calculate your distance from there and ajust accordingly with the flood or ebb.
Hurston like maddog said it takes a bit to figure it all out it is complacted as for that day you would be able to fish till about maybe 11:00 one thing you have to remember it is different every year and that current is bottle necked from the haro strait when it starts to run it "push " s sometimes more than what is predicted.
The most I fish out there is a -0.8 as I dont like my gear so far back to where your bouncing it in the USA dont think it is very effective and dont think the hali move much in those currents but what do I know LOL ask mongoose.

Thanx for that Justin I found the other station off of Discovery Is.
at 48°23.0'N 123°12.0'W
So I guess Constance would almost be in the middle between those 2 current staions
I'm just trying to find a relationship between Halibut fishing days named by Wolf (Mar 11,25th), Island outfitters derby (May12, 13th) and 1 of these current tables I'm looking at???
Wow Mongoose,Pritty much no currents[?]Judging by the big bright full moon on the 2nd she was likly smokin pretty hard yesterday and today.As Wolf says, your line angle would be a tad off and your scottsman would do the bob and weave show below the Bow[:p]
We do because you dont have a clue of what your talking about thats the tides for victoria and your giving advise for hali fishing cmon think about what you are posting!!!!!!

Still not clear. Which is best for halibut...a small flood tide or a small ebb tide? I don't fish Constance...but do fish east Race and Albert Head. I rely on the currents at Race Passage.
It must be nice to be able to pick your dates with the long seasons. Our 2007 opener is going to be open on Monday May 9 through June 16 for the eastern straits. We go irreguardless of the tides and try to find a good area for the slack tides. Sometimes the bigger tides can put out bigger fish on rockpiles and edges of humps. But usually a little tougher for quantity.

I like to find smaller no named humps and fish them from in front of them, to up and over them, and down the back side to the flats on the other side. The commercials long line before our season here opens. Last year our bigger more productive areas were dead on the opener. Thank goodness I stayed away from them and fished new areas no one else was on. It sure worked for me. Got a 25 on the opener and a 50 and a 30 on the next day. Most were caught at slack tide.