Ukee - ON FIRE!




Pilchard plug

Is the Pilchard plug only successful "Outside", or is it catching fish in Barkley and around P.A.? I've also bought a Coyote spoon that looks somewhat like a Pilchard and added the spots and a yellow stripe on the bottom. Haven't used it yet, but can't wait to try it.
Is the Pilchard plug only successful "Outside", or is it catching fish in Barkley and around P.A.?

Haven't run the plugs in Barkely as of yet. The weather has been great, so we've been hitting them offshore HARD. On the odd day we have wandering inshore, the pil;chard spoons are really doing some DAMAGE!! give them a whirl, I don't think you'll be disappointed!!

The Biggies have rolled in!! Yesterday was absolutely INCREDIBLE Fantastic Clients that really knew their stuff on the rods, and fish so cooperative it was completely Silly! Dropped the gear, and in less than five minutes a Tyee was airborne out behind the Rolls Royce Rig, with a plug firmly imbedded in it's yap! Sweet! Leap after leap, again acting like some sort of super-sized coho, that battle was INTENSE! But The Lady persevered, and the Biggie made a mistake boat-side, sliding right into the net!!

Great Start!!


Dropped the gear swiftly, and wouldn't you know it! FISH ON! Not quite as big as the first, but a FINE battle, again with lots of air time!! Methinks this Gentleman's GRIN says it ALL!


As the morning wore on, the fish increased their appetite, and we engaged Spirited Battle after Battle! Awesome!
Recognizing that the fishing grounds were living up well to their reputation, we released fish after fish looking for a few Large! And that effort was indeed rewarded! Halfway through the morning, another silver bullet rocketed into the air and we all instantly knew we had another Tyee on the line!!

Could those Grins possibly get any BIGGER!?


And moments later, YET ANOTHER!! Incredible!!!


Now Tubbed Out, we stayed to PLAY!!! And the fish just kept pounding on the big plugs over and over and over again!! One of the most EXCELLENT Days on the water in Memory!!

More to come!
Over the course of the day, we released over Twenty-Five springs!! Many very close to, and several over that Magical 30 pound mark that bears the title TYEE!!
And to top it off, the weather, predicted for Gale Force Winds, was as flat as a pancake! Just like fishing someone's backyard Duck Pond!

Here's a shot of my Most Excellent Wing Man working right beside us to give you the idea:


Gotta LOVE those Southern Gales!!

All too soon our time was up, but all of our arms were so exhausted (as in BURNING!!) no one complained as we rolled in to the Weigh In Station for the Ukee Ladder Derby! And YUP, the Lady is right there on the board!!


And of course a quick picture at the dock before these Wonderful Fighters were rendered into some absolutely awesome table fare!!


TRIPLE TYEE DAY! Awesome and then some!!

After Enjoying that Incredible Action, my Anglers asked me over supper last night, "Can it Possibly get any Better?" My answer was "Probably"!
These fish are literally pounding the over-sized pilchards back so fast they are growing at an unbelievable rate! Give it but a couple of days, and most we let go will be topping that Tyee status!

At the start of this season I remember suggesting this was going to be on of the Best in memory! It is certainly holding up to that prediction, and may, in fact, top even my wildest dreams!! Unbelievable out there right now Folks! If you have a yen for Serious Fun, best be dropping a dime on us quick to nail down the last of those precious days we have available! You will be Grinning so hard your Buddies will think you have Flipped!!

Right back into the breech for me! All I can say is YEEEEEHAW!!! Bring It On!!

Hope to be seeing a few of you bearing those silly Perma-Grins soon!! I still can't wipe the smile off my own wrinkled old mug!!


Nog - Are you having to travel out to Big & South Bank to get into Tyees or are you finding them closer in (not asking for specifics)? Do you know if these fish are heading for Canadian or U.S. locations? Just wondering if they might be coming in to Barkley.
Nog - Are you having to travel out to Big & South Bank to get into Tyees or are you finding them closer in

Haven't been way out to the Big Bank in ages. The fish are following the pattern of last year and there are loads on the inner Banks.

Mixed fishery just now, somewhere around 75 - 80% US origin, and the balance chiefly Fraser fish.

Haven't actually fished Barkely in a long time either, so not really up to snuff on what's in there. The migrants we're working on may wander in there, likely the outer reefs would be a good bet. Barkely should spark up right soon with Robertson fish methinks, although due to DFO's inane behavior those numbers may be a tad low...

Good Luck!

Thanks for the info! I will be making a trip up from Aug. 25th through Sept. 2nd. I hope that the fishing remains good. Have you seen schools of Coho? Always fun to catch with surface flies!
Slow day today for us. Couldn't find the big ones. PM me if you want the details of where we fished, gear, depth, speed etc.... We have 4 guys wanting to go in 4 directions tomorrow. Any suggetions?
Tubber fished there Monday morning from 6:30 to 11 and limited out. 3 fish over 30lbs and some very big Cohoes to finish off. 12 fish total to end are trip. Best action we had in 3 days. All were caught at Lighthouse bank, just us and a small hand full of boats. The few of us that were there all seemed to have fish on all morning long. 6" and 7" pilchard spoons and plugs were the killers, also caught a few on super large herring and purple haze hoochie and flasher all at 50 to 75 feet. Will be back up there Wednesday night for 3 more days.
Thanks Casper. We worked the big stuff too, same place, but only a couple of 18ish fish and a few lost. Smaller stuff was instant coho or pink. There seems to be a lull. Or the fish have shifted locals. I was hoping that it would resemble the carnage of last Aug. when it was quick limits and some catch and release. Maybe tomorrow.
I think that the fishing may slow down a bit here as the full moon and low pressure system that is moving in to the area. hope that it all changes by next Wednesday.