Is the Pilchard plug only successful "Outside", or is it catching fish in Barkley and around P.A.?
Haven't run the plugs in Barkely as of yet. The weather has been great, so we've been hitting them offshore HARD. On the odd day we have wandering inshore, the pil;chard spoons are really doing some DAMAGE!! give them a whirl, I don't think you'll be disappointed!!
Biggies have rolled in!! Yesterday was absolutely
INCREDIBLE Fantastic Clients that really knew their stuff on the rods, and fish so cooperative it was completely
Silly! Dropped the gear, and in less than five minutes a
Tyee was
airborne out behind the
Rolls Royce Rig, with a plug firmly imbedded in it's yap!
Sweet! Leap after leap, again acting like some sort of super-sized coho, that battle was
INTENSE! But The Lady persevered, and the
Biggie made a mistake boat-side, sliding right into the net!!
Great Start!!
Dropped the gear swiftly, and wouldn't you know it!
FISH ON! Not quite as big as the first, but a
FINE battle, again with lots of air time!! Methinks this Gentleman's
GRIN says it
As the morning wore on, the fish increased their appetite, and we engaged Spirited Battle after Battle!
Recognizing that the fishing grounds were living up well to their reputation, we released fish after fish looking for a few Large! And that effort was indeed rewarded! Halfway through the morning, another silver bullet rocketed into the air and we all instantly knew we had another Tyee on the line!!
Could those Grins possibly get any
And moments later,
YET ANOTHER!! Incredible!!!
Now Tubbed Out, we stayed to PLAY!!! And the fish just kept pounding on the big plugs over and over and over again!! One of the most
EXCELLENT Days on the water in Memory!!
More to come!